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Thales, a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, proposed that water was the fundamental substance of the universe. He believed that everything could be explained in terms of this one material element.

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Q: Which philosophe tried to explain all phenomena in terms of one or more material elements?
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What are the raw materials of science?

The raw materials of science include observations, data, experiments, hypotheses, and theories. These elements are used to investigate, understand, and explain natural phenomena and processes in the world around us.

What is the set of statements or principles used to explain a group of facts or natural phenomena is?

A theory is a set of statements or principles used to explain a group of facts or natural phenomena. It is a well-substantiated explanation based on empirical or scientific evidence. Theories can be used to predict future occurrences and guide further research.

What are examples of common elements of creation myths?

Common elements of creation myths include a supernatural being or force responsible for creating the world, the presence of a primordial chaos or void from which the world is born, the separation of elements to form the universe, and the involvement of gods or divine beings in shaping the world. These myths often explain the origin of humanity, natural phenomena, and the purpose of life.

This is a set of statements or ideas that explain a group of facts or phenomena?

This is a definition of a theory. It is a well-supported explanation based on evidence that helps us understand a set of observations or concepts. Scientists use theories to explain natural phenomena and make predictions about them.

What is the systematic explanation of the relationship among phenomena?

A systematic explanation of the relationship among phenomena refers to identifying patterns, connections, and causal links between different elements or variables in a structured way. It involves applying logic, evidence, and a disciplined approach to understand how various factors interact and influence each other to produce specific outcomes or behaviors. By systematically exploring these relationships, researchers can develop theories or models that help explain and predict complex phenomena.

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They were used to explain natural phenomena.

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Folk tales: are a traditional stories usually from oral tradition are storie that are passed on from generation to generation are often based on superstition sometimes explain natural phenomena

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How scientists gather information?

It uses observation and experience to help explain natural phenomena

Are stories told to explain natural phenomena or events of the distant past?

Some are and some are not.

What distinguishes science from art architecture and philosophy?

Science exists to explain natural phenomena.