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Gases can be compressed or expanded to the greatest degree compared to liquids and solids. This is because gas particles are more spread out and have more freedom of movement, allowing them to easily compress or expand in response to changes in pressure.

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Q: Which pase of matter can be compressed or expanded to the greatest degree?
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What type of matter has the greatest degree of expandability?

The gas phase

How can we say that air is a matter?

Air is considered matter because it has mass and occupies space. It is composed of molecules and atoms, just like other forms of matter. Air can be compressed or expanded, and it interacts with other substances, demonstrating its physical properties as matter.

Are gasses matter?

Yes, gases are a form of matter. They are made up of particles (atoms or molecules) that have mass and occupy space. Gases have the ability to fill the container they are in and can be compressed or expanded.

How many states of matter can be compressed?

All states of matter can be compressed to some degree. However, the extent to which they can be compressed varies depending on the state. Solids are the least compressible, while gases are the most compressible. Liquids fall in between solids and gases in terms of compressibility.

What is the science definition of gas?

In science, gas refers to a state of matter in which the substance has no fixed shape or volume. Gas particles are widely spaced and move freely in all directions. Gases can be compressed and expanded easily.

Which sate of matter can be compressed and can flow?

A gas is a state of matter that can be compressed and can flow. Gases have no definite shape or volume, allowing them to take the shape of their container and flow easily. They can be compressed to reduce their volume.

What state of matter surrounds us all the time?

The state of matter that surrounds us all the time is gas. Gas is composed of molecules with high energy that move freely and independently of each other. It fills the space of its container and can be compressed or expanded easily.

Is compressed air matter?

Yes. Normal air is matter, too.

Does it matter what degree you get your bachelor's degree in to get a law degree?

No it does not matter.

What is an example of form and shape that is a property of matter in science?

solid:rigid, can't be compressed Liquid:flexible, can't be compressed Gas:can't touch, can be compressed.

Which state of matter is able to be compressed?


Can cement be compressed?

Technically yes. Although the amount of change would be negligible. All matter can be compressed to varying degrees.Technically yes. Although the amount of change would be negligible. All matter can be compressed to varying degrees.