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The nucleus is the control center of the cell.

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Q: Which part of the plant cell controls the most part of the cell?
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What part on the plant cell control what traits will have?

The part of the Plant cell that controls traits is called the nucleus.

What part of a plant cell controls the activity of the cell?

The answer is nucleus :)

What is the second most important part of the plant cell?

The nucleus is the most important part of a plant cell, as it contains the genetic material and controls cell activities. The second most important part could be the chloroplasts, which are responsible for photosynthesis and converting sunlight into energy for the plant.

What is the part of the plant cell that includes the instruction for the cell called?

It is called the nucleus. It controls the cellular activities.

Which part of the plant cell controls what goes in and out of the cell?

The cell membrane, also known as the plasma membrane, controls what goes in and out of the plant cell. It is a selectively permeable barrier that regulates the passage of nutrients, ions, and waste products.

What part of a plant cell the cell wall or the cell membrane what enters or leave the cell?

The cell membrane controls what enters or leaves the cell.

What part of a plant cell controls the activities of other cells?

The nucleus is the part of a plant cell that controls the activities of other cells. It contains the cell's genetic material, including DNA, which regulates various cellular processes and functions.

What is the cell part that controls most of the cell's activities?

The nucleus is the part of the cell that controls most of the cell's activities. It contains the cell's genetic material and is responsible for regulating gene expression and coordinating various cellular functions.

The cell part that controls most of the cells activities is what?

The major part of the cell is controlled by the nucleus but the materials that come and go in the cell is the cell membrane.

What was the part when controls most of the cells activities?

Nucleus control most of the cell activities.

Which cell part directs the activities of the plant cell?

The nucleus is the cell part that directs the activities of the plant cell. It contains the cell's genetic information and controls cell functions by regulating the synthesis of proteins and other molecules.

What part of the cell is most important in maintaining homeostasis?

The cell membrane is the most important in maintaining homeostasis. This is because the cell membrane controls what goes in and out of the cell.