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The axon is responsible for generating and transmitting a nerve impulse. It is a long, slender projection of the neuron that carries the electrical signal away from the cell body towards other neurons or muscles.

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Q: Which part of the neuron is responsible for generating a nerve impulse?
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The neurotransmitters of a neutron enable a nerve impulse to do what?

Neurotransmitters in a neuron allow a nerve impulse to be transmitted from one neuron to another by crossing the synapse and binding to receptors on the receiving neuron. This triggers an electrical or chemical signal to continue the nerve impulse along the neural pathway.

What is the route followed by nerve impulses when one neuron communicates with another?

When one neuron communicates with another, the nerve impulse travels down the axon of the presynaptic neuron, reaches the axon terminal, triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These neurotransmitters then bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron's dendrites, initiating a new nerve impulse in the postsynaptic neuron.

Which ion causes neurotransmitter vesicles to fuse with the axon's membrane during the conduction of a nerve impulse from one neuron to the next?

Calcium ions are responsible for triggering the fusion of neurotransmitter vesicles with the axon's membrane during the conduction of a nerve impulse. The influx of calcium ions into the neuron's terminal triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.

A neuron transmits a nerve impulse as a wave of?

A neuron transmits a nerve impulse as a wave of electrical activity called an action potential. This action potential travels along the length of the neuron's axon and triggers the release of neurotransmitters at the synapse, allowing communication between neurons.

What neuron picks up a stimulus?

A sensory Neuron picks up the stimulus from the environment and changes it into a nerve impulse.

Related questions

The neurotransmitters of a neutron enable a nerve impulse to do what?

Neurotransmitters in a neuron allow a nerve impulse to be transmitted from one neuron to another by crossing the synapse and binding to receptors on the receiving neuron. This triggers an electrical or chemical signal to continue the nerve impulse along the neural pathway.

What begins when a neuron is stimulate by another neuron in its environment?

A nerve impulse


It would decrease the probability of generating a nerve impulse. When a neuron is activiated by a threshold stimulus, the membrane briefly becomes more permeable to sodium. If the permeability is decreased, it will be more difficult for the sodium ions to rush into the cell.

What carries a nerve impulse from one neuron to annother?


What is a neuron that transmits a nerve impulse toward the central nervous system is called what?

A sensory neuron transmits a nerve impulse towards the central nervous system. These nerve cells activated by input, transmits sensory information.

Where does a nerve impulse start?

A nerve impulse typically starts at the dendrites of a neuron, where it receives signals from other neurons or sensory receptors. These signals are then transmitted down the axon of the neuron to the axon terminals, where they can communicate with other neurons or target cells.

What is the route followed by nerve impulses when one neuron communicates with another?

When one neuron communicates with another, the nerve impulse travels down the axon of the presynaptic neuron, reaches the axon terminal, triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These neurotransmitters then bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron's dendrites, initiating a new nerve impulse in the postsynaptic neuron.

What would a substance that decreases membrane premeability to sodium increase or decrease the probability of generating a nerve impulse?

A substance that decreases membrane permeability to sodium would decrease the probability of generating a nerve impulse. This is because sodium ions play a critical role in the depolarization phase of an action potential by entering the cell, so if their permeability is reduced, it hinders the ability to reach the threshold for generating an impulse.

What type of nervous tissue that conducts a nerve impulse?


Which ion causes neurotransmitter vesicles to fuse with the axon's membrane during the conduction of a nerve impulse from one neuron to the next?

Calcium ions are responsible for triggering the fusion of neurotransmitter vesicles with the axon's membrane during the conduction of a nerve impulse. The influx of calcium ions into the neuron's terminal triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.

What steps involved in transmitting the impulse from one neuron to another and then to the muscle fiber?

Brain send the message via nerve impulses involving neurons which use the neuro-transmitter AcetylcholineEach nerve impulse begins in the dendrites of a neuron's. the impulse move rapidly toward the neuron's cell body and then down the axon until it reaches the axon tip.a nerve impulse travels along the neuron in the form of electrical and chemical signals.Acetylcholine- a neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction triggers a muscle action potential, which leads to muscle contraction

A neuron transmits a nerve impulse as a wave of?

A neuron transmits a nerve impulse as a wave of electrical activity called an action potential. This action potential travels along the length of the neuron's axon and triggers the release of neurotransmitters at the synapse, allowing communication between neurons.