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the reason is that certain gases, dubbed greenhouse gases by us scientists have the ability to trap heat radiation from the suns rays in our atmosphere, heat that would normally dissipate into the vacuum of space. those gases include methane and carbon dioxide. when in suitable amounts those gases are actually beneficial to life on earth as without them the earth would be far too cold to support any interesting life. unfortunately human activities are releasing huge amounts of said greenhouse gases into the air, meaning that more heat rays are trapped and hey presto, the world heats up

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1mo ago

The atmosphere, specifically greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane, act like the glass in a greenhouse by trapping heat from the sun. This phenomenon is known as the greenhouse effect and helps keep the Earth's surface warm enough to support life.

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6y ago

Gases that help trap the energy in the atmosphere near the Earth's surface are called greenhouse gases.

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12y ago

Greenhouse gases are distributed throughout the atmosphere, not just a single layer. Man made greenhouse gases tend to be trapped in the lower portion of the troposphere.

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Q: Which part of the earth acts like the glass in a greenhouse and traps heat in?
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How is carbon dioxide gas similar to the glass in a greenhouse?

Both carbon dioxide gas and the glass in a greenhouse allow sunlight to enter but trap heat inside. This trapped heat can raise the temperature inside, creating a warmer environment conducive for plant growth.

What substance within the air is connected with global warming?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary substance in the air connected with global warming. It is released into the atmosphere through human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation, where it acts as a greenhouse gas and traps heat, leading to an increase in the Earth's temperature.

What is it called when the atmosphere holds in heat to keep the earth warm?

Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, water vapor and methane capture the sun's radiation as it comes up from the surface of the earth. The molecules in the gases warm, and then radiate that heat out in all directions, including back down to the earth's surface. This is known as the greenhouse effect.

What is the Differences between global warming and green house effect?

Global Warming is the result of greenhouse effect.Gases like Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, CFC, etc. known as greenhouse gases create a layer around the atmosphere which trap the sunlight inside.This is known as greenhouse effect. Actually, greenhouse effect is favourable to earth as it maintains the temperature of earth. Without it our earth would have gone back to ICE AGE. But due to large emissions of greenhouse gases its adverse effect i.e. Global Warning has started. A thick layer of greenhouse gases is increasing earth's temperature and causing the polar ice to melt and increase the sea level which is known as GLOBAL WARNING.

How is the temperature of the Earth controlled by carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acts as a greenhouse gas, trapping heat from the sun that would otherwise escape back into space. This creates a warming effect on the Earth, known as the greenhouse effect, which helps regulate the planet's temperature. However, excessive levels of carbon dioxide can lead to an enhanced greenhouse effect, causing global warming and climate change.

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How water vapour as a greenhouse gas contributes to the greenhouse effect?

Water vapor acts as a greenhouse gas by trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere. When sunlight warms the Earth's surface, water evaporates and enters the atmosphere where it can absorb and re-radiate heat. This process helps regulate the Earth's temperature, similar to how a greenhouse traps heat inside.

How do greenhouse gases act like the layer of glass in a green house?

The so-called "greenhouse gases" CO2, methane, water vapor, etc.

What is the ozone's role as a greenhouse gas?

Ozone acts as a greenhouse gas too. It traps the heat emitted from the sun and does not allow it to exit.

How is the gardeners greenhouse a miniature version of the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is called that becouse the earth naturally acts like a greenhouse but with the gases (like CO2) going up into the air, the barrier around the earth that acts like a greenhouse, makes the barrier stronger and that makes the earth get more warmer. So...The more greenhouse gases we produce the warmer the earths temperture would be

How is a gardeners greenhouse a miniature version of the greenhouse effect?

A gardener's greenhouse traps heat inside to create a warmer environment for plants, similar to how the greenhouse effect works on a larger scale in the Earth's atmosphere. Both involve the trapping of heat energy to maintain a higher temperature inside the structure relative to the external surroundings.

What is the meaning of Greenhouse in 'greenhouse effect'?

In the context of the greenhouse effect, a greenhouse refers to the Earth's atmosphere, which acts like the glass walls of a greenhouse by trapping heat from the sun. This trapped heat keeps Earth's surface warm enough to support life.

Why is ozone not good near earth surface?

Ozone at earth's surface acts as polluntant. It is also a greenhouse gas.

What holds the heat on the earth?

The atmosphere acts as a blanket that traps heat from the sun, through a process called the greenhouse effect. This helps regulate temperatures on Earth and maintain a habitable environment for life to exist.

How is temperature of the earth partly controlled by carbon?

Global Warming The world is like a greenhouse. Carbon dioxide and gases act like the glass. The gases cover the earth and stops some heat from getting back out into space which causes the world to heat up.

How is the temperature of the earth partly controlled by corbon?

Carbon in the atmosphere appears mainly as carbon dioxide CO2. It is called a greenhouse gas because it acts like the glass in a greenhouse, trapping the Sun's heat. That happens because it lets the short-wavelength radiant heat through as it arrives from the Sun, but stops heat radiated from the Earth at a lower temperature, at longer wavelengths, from escaping into space.

Does carbon dioxide act as a greenhouse gas by storing solar energy?

Carbon dioxide acts as a greenhouse gas by trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere. It absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation, preventing it from escaping back into space, thus contributing to the warming of the planet. So, it doesn't store solar energy per se, but rather traps heat energy within the atmosphere.

What is earth's atmosphere like a green house?

Earth's atmosphere acts like a greenhouse by trapping heat from the sun and warming the planet. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor, allow sunlight to pass through to heat the Earth's surface, but trap some of the heat as it radiates back towards space. This natural greenhouse effect is crucial for maintaining Earth's temperature suitable for life.