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Decomposers recycle the organic molecules of dead organisms at all trophic levels and return their nutrients to the environment. These are often insects.

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1mo ago

Decomposers, such as bacteria, fungi, and detritivores like earthworms and maggots, work together to break down the organic molecules of dead organisms. By decomposing dead matter, they release nutrients back into the environment, completing the nutrient cycle.

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Q: Which organisms recycle the organic molecules of dead organisms at all trophic levels and return their nutrients to the environment?
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Organisms like decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, metabolize organic molecules produced by other organisms to break them down into simpler forms. These decomposers play a crucial role in recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem and breaking down dead organic matter.

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An organism that takes in organic molecules and breaks them down is called a decomposer. Decomposers play a crucial role in ecosystems by recycling nutrients from dead organic matter back into the environment for other organisms to use. Examples of decomposers include bacteria, fungi, and some types of insects.

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What organisms break down tissue and return nutrients to the environment?

Organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and detritivores like earthworms and insects play crucial roles in breaking down dead tissue. These organisms decompose organic matter, releasing nutrients back into the environment through the process of decomposition.