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Frogs are an example of organisms in a pond ecosystem that completely change their physical features and food source when they become adults. They undergo metamorphosis from tadpoles that feed on algae and plants to adult frogs that have a carnivorous diet and live both on land and in water.

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Q: Which organism in the pond ecosystem completely changes its physical features and food source when it becomes an adult?
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How are a habitat and an ecosystem different?

An ecosystem includes all living organisms and their physical environment in a particular area, encompassing interactions between them. A habitat refers to a specific type of environment where an organism or a community of organisms live, characterized by its physical and biological features. The habitat is a component of the ecosystem where organisms reside and interact.

What are the physical or nonliving components of an ecosystem called?

Abiotic features

The role of an organism in the ecosystem is called its?

The role of an organism in the ecosystem is called its ecological niche. It refers to how an organism fits into its environment, including its interactions with other organisms and the physical environment. This niche includes the organism's feeding habits, behavior, and its role in nutrient cycling.

Ecosystem boundaries are usually defined by easily identifiable demarcations?

Ecosystem boundaries are often defined by physical features such as rivers, mountains, or coastlines. These features can act as barriers that limit the movement of species and resources in and out of the ecosystem. Additionally, human activities can also influence and alter ecosystem boundaries.

What does the word niche mean in science?

In science, a niche refers to the specific role or function that an organism has within its ecosystem. This includes how an organism interacts with other species and the physical environment, and how it obtains resources to survive and reproduce. Each species typically occupies a unique niche within an ecosystem to avoid competition with other species.

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How are a habitat and an ecosystem different?

An ecosystem includes all living organisms and their physical environment in a particular area, encompassing interactions between them. A habitat refers to a specific type of environment where an organism or a community of organisms live, characterized by its physical and biological features. The habitat is a component of the ecosystem where organisms reside and interact.

What are the physical or nonliving components of an ecosystem called?

Abiotic features

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Good lungs

Which term includes all of the interactions that occur between the organism and the physical factors in a pond environment?


What is the difference between the habitat and ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a complex interaction of living and non-living processes. A habitat is a physical place, within an ecosystem, where a particular species tends to be found.

Which term includes all of the interaction that occur between the organism and the physical factors in pond environment?


Ecosystem boundaries are usually defined by easily identifiable demarcations?

Ecosystem boundaries are often defined by physical features such as rivers, mountains, or coastlines. These features can act as barriers that limit the movement of species and resources in and out of the ecosystem. Additionally, human activities can also influence and alter ecosystem boundaries.

How is a habitat different from an ecosystem?

A habitat is a specific physical environment where an organism lives, while an ecosystem includes all living organisms in a habitat interacting with each other and their physical environment. Essentially, a habitat is a specific place, whereas an ecosystem includes the interactions and relationships within that place.

The physical expression of the genotype is called?

The physical expression of the genotype is called the phenotype. It refers to the observable characteristics or traits of an organism, such as its appearance, behavior, or other measurable features.

What are an organism's visible physical traits?

An organism's visible physical traits include basic physical appearance and outer bodily features. For example, a visible physical trait of a human being is the nose, hair, eyes, mouth, legs etc.