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Q: Which organism has a single parent?
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What is the type of reproduction where a new organism has a single parent?

Asexual reproduction requires only one parent.

In what ways if any does a single-celled organism differ from its parent?

A single-celled organism is typically the result of asexual reproduction, where the parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Therefore, the main difference between a single-celled organism and its parent would be that the parent cell has divided to create a new individual.

Each organism must inherit a single copy of every gene from its?

parents Edited answer: Male and female parent

What do you call a composition of a amoeba?

An asexual single cell organism who reproduces by mytosis, or splitting the parent cell in half.

What type of asexual reproduction involves an organism starting to grow out of the parent organism and that may or may not remain attached to the parent organism?

Fragmentation is a type of asexual reproduction that involves an organism starting to grow out of the parent organism that may or may not remain attached to the parent organism.

An organism that is produced by only one parent organism is called?

An organism that is produced by only one parent organism is called asexual reproduction. In asexual reproduction, offspring are genetically identical to the parent organism.

What is a parent organism?

A parent organism is an organism that produces offspring through reproduction. It contributes genetic material to its offspring, passing on inherited traits and characteristics.

Can a single cell be an organism?

Yes, a single-cell organism is an organism, it contains a nucleus.

What process produces an exact copy of the parent organism is?

Asexual reproduction is the process that produces an exact copy of the parent organism. This can occur through methods such as binary fission, budding, or fragmentation in various organisms.

Where does an organism receive its chromosomes from?

An organisms gets its chromosomes from its parent(s).

When a single cell organism divides to produce two new organisms with exactly the same genetic material as the parent the method of reproduction is called what?


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