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The lower mantle remains solid due to high pressure, which increases the melting point of minerals. The pressure at such depths is so immense that it keeps the minerals stable in a solid state despite the high temperatures.

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Q: Which of these causes the lower mantle to remain solid despite high temperatures?
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What causes the lower mantle to remain solid despite high temperatures?

Me because I am so hot

Why would a plume of solid silicate rock rising slowly from deep in the mantle begin melting as it near the base of the lithosphere?

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Why are mantle rocks solid even though the Earth's interior temperature is very hot?

The pressure in the Earth's mantle is very high, which helps keep the mantle rocks in a solid state despite the high temperatures. The rocks in the mantle are also composed of minerals that have high melting points, contributing to their solid state. Additionally, the slow rate of heat transfer from the Earth's core to the mantle allows the rocks to remain solid.

What causes this layer to remain solid despite the high temperature?

The solid layer could be maintained through a process called supercooling, where the substance remains in a liquid state below its freezing point due to the absence of nucleation sites for solid crystal formation. Another possibility is that the layer is composed of a material with a high melting point that requires an extremely high temperature to melt, thus appearing solid despite the heat.

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The Earth's mantle remains in a solid state, not a liquid state. The mantle is mostly solid rock that flows like a very viscous fluid over long timescales due to high temperatures and pressures, but it is not a true liquid.

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The dense and solid layer of the Earth is called the inner core. It is composed mainly of iron and nickel, with extremely high temperatures and pressures causing it to remain in a solid state despite its high density.

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