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Q: Which of the plant hormone is considered as growth inhibitor and why?
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What is in abscisic acid?

Abscisic acid is a plant hormone that plays a role in seed dormancy, germination, and stress responses. It regulates various physiological processes such as stomatal closure, seed maturation, and growth inhibition. Abscisic acid is synthesized in response to environmental stresses like drought, high salinity, and cold temperatures.

Which plant hormone will act as an inhibitor of growth and maintains dormancy?

The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) acts as an inhibitor of growth and maintains dormancy in plants. It plays a crucial role in promoting seed dormancy and preventing premature germination, as well as regulating responses to environmental stress conditions.

What hormone is a growth?

A growth hormone is a chemical that has effects on plant growth

The first plant hormone to be discovered was a type of?

The first plant hormone to be discovered was auxin, specifically indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), in the 1920s by Dutch scientist Frits Warmolt Went. Auxin plays a key role in promoting cell growth and elongation, as well as various other physiological processes in plants.

What is a plant growth inhibitor?

A plant growth inhibitor is a substance that restricts or slows down the growth and development of plants. It can interfere with processes such as cell division, elongation, or differentiation, leading to stunted growth or even death of the plant. Examples of plant growth inhibitors include chemicals like herbicides or certain hormones.

Is gibberellin a plant growth hormone?


Is Growth hormone Is this a plant or animal hormone?

Its definitly animal and a mammal but I'm not sure which.

What is kinetin?

kinetin is a plant hormone that, when paired with auxin (another plant hormone), results in prolific growth of undifferentiated cells.

Which plant growth hormone is commonly used in tea plantation?

Auxin, specifically Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), is a plant growth hormone commonly used in tea plantations to promote root growth, improve shoot development, and enhance overall plant growth and productivity.

What are plant inhibitors?

Plant inhibitors are substances that interfere with the growth, development, or metabolic processes of plants, often leading to reduced plant performance or death. These inhibitors can include chemicals, herbicides, or natural compounds produced by other plants to compete for resources. They are used in agriculture to control weed growth and pest damage.

What is the hormone that controls growth of a plant shoot called?


What is the effect of ethylene?

Ethylene is a plant hormone that increases the speed of plant growth and ripening