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The inner planet that has an atmosphere containing mostly carbon dioxide is Venus. It has an extremely dense atmosphere, made up mostly of carbon dioxide with small amounts of nitrogen and trace amounts of other gases. The thick atmosphere contributes to Venus' extreme greenhouse effect, making it the hottest planet in the solar system.

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Q: Which of the inner planets have an atmosphere containing mostly carbon dioxide?
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What planet's atmosphere is most carbon dioxide?

There are two such planets, Mars and Venus. Venus has a much thicker atmosphere than Mars, but both atmospheres are about 95% carbon dioxide.

What is the atmosphere of CO2?

Id is an inert gas atmoshere containing carbon dioxide.

What planets temperature of its atmosphere contains high levels of carbon dioxide?

It is Venus.

Which Planets have atmosphere mostly carbon dioxide?

Venus and Mars have atmospheres that are mostly composed of carbon dioxide. Venus has a thick atmosphere consisting of around 96.5% carbon dioxide, while Mars' atmosphere is about 95% carbon dioxide.

Which of the 8 major planets has a thin carbon dioxide atmosphere?

Both Venus and Mars have atmospheres that are mostly carbon dioxide. However, Venus has a very thick atmosphere. The Martian atmosphere is very thin, so the answer is Mars.

This planets atmosphere is made up of 96 percent carbon dioxide?

The planet is likely Venus, which has an atmosphere composed primarily of carbon dioxide. This high concentration of carbon dioxide contributes to a runaway greenhouse effect, resulting in extreme surface temperatures and a dense, opaque atmosphere.

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Earth can sustain life because it is in the "Goldilocks zone" of our solar system, meaning it has the right conditions for liquid water to exist. It also has a protective atmosphere that shields us from harmful space radiation and maintains a stable climate. Additionally, Earth has a diverse range of ecosystems that support a variety of life forms.

What planet has a greenhouse effect that warms the planet due to the trapping of infrared radiation by carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere?

Three planets, Earth, Venus and Mars, all have greenhouse effects from carbon dioxide (CO2) in their atmosphere.

What are two main greenhouse gases that keep the planets atmosphere warm and livable?

The two main greenhouse gases that help keep the Earth's atmosphere warm and livable are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O). These gases trap heat from the sun, which helps maintain a stable climate for supporting life on Earth.

What is venuss atmosphere made of?

Venus' atmosphere consists mostly of carbon dioxide, with clouds containing of sulfuric acid. There are also compounds of chlorine and fluoride.

What planet has a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere?

Venus has a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere, making up about 96.5% of its atmosphere. This high concentration of carbon dioxide contributes to the intense greenhouse effect on the planet, resulting in surface temperatures hot enough to melt lead.

Which planet has the most carbon dioxide atmosphere?

Venus has the most carbon dioxide atmosphere of any planet in the solar system, with about 96.5% of its atmosphere composed of carbon dioxide. This thick atmosphere contributes to the planet's extreme greenhouse effect and high surface temperatures.