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Q: Which object in our solar system reflects light and is a satellite that or bits around one planet?
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What do you call an object that travels around a planet?

A moon or satellite.

What is an object in orbit around the planets?

A planet in an orbit greater than any of the others.An object in orbit around a single planet is a moon or satellite of that planet.

What is an object that orbits a larger object?

An astronomical object that moves (revolves) around a larger object is called a satellite. A natural satellite of a planet is called a moon.

Why is the moon called a satellite of earth?

A satellite is an object that orbits around a planet or body in space. There are artificial satellites and natural satellites. An artificial satellite is an object, like a space station, that has been set into orbit around a planet by humans. A natural satellite naturally finds its way into close orbit around a planet, like the moon naturally orbits the Earth.

What do you call the satellite of a planet?

any object man made or natural, big or small which rotates around a planet is called it's satellite

What is An object that goes around the planet is known as?

An object that goes around the planet is known as a satellite. Satellites are used for communication, weather monitoring, navigation, research, and other purposes.

An object that moves around a bigger object?

A satellite is an object that moves around a bigger object, such as a planet or a moon. Satellites can be natural, like the Earth's moon, or artificial, like communication or weather satellites. They orbit around their host body due to gravitational forces.

An object that orbits a planet is called a?

A satellite.

Something in orbit around a planet?

A satellite is an object in orbit around a planet. Satellites can be natural, like moons, or artificial, like spacecrafts launched by humans for communication, weather monitoring, or scientific research purposes.orbited around a planet.

Is a moon non-luminous object and not a planet?

Correct. A planet is defined as orbiting a sun. The moon orbits the Earth - so it's a satellite. It doesn't shine under its own 'power' but reflects the light of the sun shining on its surface.It is a non-luminous object

What does it mean when your teacher asks what is a satellite on a planet?

any large object that orbits around the planet or AKA moon

What is an object that revolves around the planet?

Moons and planetary rings can revolve around a planet.A satellite or moon.A satellite or if it's big enough a moon