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Q: Which nutrient is the most difficult to break down and thus is generally used last for energy in the body?
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Which nutrient is the most difficult to break down and is generally used last for energy in the body?


What nutrient is the most difficult to break down thus is generally used last for energy in the body?


Why are fats so difficult for the body to breakdown?

fats are more complex than other forms of carbohydrates so it take more energy for the body to break them down, so generally if it doesn't need to it doesn't break them down if your body needs the energy it will break down the fats

External respiration involves the use of oxygen to release energy stored in nutrient molecules such as glucose that true or false?

True. External respiration refers to the process where oxygen is taken up from the environment and used to break down nutrient molecules, such as glucose, to release energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration.

What is needed to produce energy from carbohydrates?

To utilize energy from a nutrient, the bonds need to be broken. Polysaccharides cannot be digested until it has been broken down into monomers (monosaccharides). To do this, enzymes need to break the glycosidic linkages between monomers.

What is the role played by decomposers in the food nutrient cycle?

Decomposers break complex organic compound and help in recycling of nutrient materials .

Does soil obtain energy?

Soil itself does not contain energy, but it plays a crucial role in the cycling and storage of energy within ecosystems. Soil microorganisms break down organic matter, releasing energy that is utilized by plants and other organisms. This process is essential for nutrient cycling and the overall functioning of ecosystems.

Why is amylase beneficial?

Amylase is beneficial because it helps break down complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars such as glucose, which can then be absorbed and used as energy by the body. It aids in the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates from food, promoting overall nutrient utilization and energy production.

What bonds will be most difficult to break 1 CO 2 CC 3 CN 4 CS?

The bond between carbon and sulfur (CS) will be most difficult to break among the options listed, as it involves a triple bond which is stronger compared to single or double bonds found in the other options (CO, CC, CN). Triple bonds require more energy to break due to their increased bond strength.

How long does it take to break even with new appliances?

The energy savings on your bills would be immediate since the new appliances would use less energy once they are installed and the old units removed. Break-even costs will depend on how inefficient your older appliances were compared to the new stuff, but generally it would be years before you truly break-even on energy savings.

What organisms that break down dead organic matter in order to absorb the nutrient molecules?

The organisms that break down dead organic matter in order to absorb the nutrient molecules are known as decomposers. Decomposers are mainly bacteria, fungi, or worms.

Why would a bacterium want to break down an amino acid?

A bacterium might break down an amino acid to obtain energy for its metabolic processes or to use the amino acids as building blocks for its own proteins. Additionally, breaking down amino acids can allow the bacterium to survive in nutrient-poor environments by utilizing available resources.