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The social contract model assumes that a diverse group of people can share the same morals by agreeing to follow a set of rules or principles that benefit everyone in society.

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Q: Which model assumes that a diverse group of people can share the same morals?
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You are probably referring to the people commonly referred to as Anti-Federalists. They were a diverse group, and had many different reasons to oppose the Constitution.

What are the morals of America?

Morals is defined as "a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do." In the United States, personal morals vary widely. For example, while one group's morals is that it is always wrong to steal or to lie, another group's morals say it is okay to steal or lie under certain conditions. There are even some who believe it is okay to steal or lie whenever it benefits them, though those people are a small minority. Varied beliefs exist for almost every moral situation, so it is impossible to say what the morals of America as a whole are.

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Depending on your belief system, you may have different morals than another. Also, there is the philosophy of moral nihilism, in which you believe that morals are a human creation and therefore invalid. It is generally accepted however, that good morals follow the guidelines of not stealing, cursing, fighting, killing, lying, drinking, gossiping, etc.