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Q: Which measurable property cannot be used to tell one chemical substance from another?
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What is a property that determines how a substance can be converted to another substance?

This property is called chemical reactivity.

Is reacts with acid physical property or chemical property?

it is chemical change

Is State chemical or physical?

A physical state is physical and not chemical Physical Property is observed without changing a substance into another substance. Chemical property is the ability of a substance to change into different substance.

Is ability to combine with another substance physical or chemical?

The ability to combine chemically through the formation of chemical bonds with another substance is a chemical property.

Which item is a sign of chemical property of a substance?

The ability of a substance to react with another substance to form a new product is a sign of its chemical property. Examples include flammability, reactivity with acids, and rusting.

Is reacts violently with chlorine physical or chemical property?

Reacting violently with chlorine is a chemical property because it describes how a substance undergoes a chemical change when coming in contact with another substance, in this case, chlorine.

What is it called when a property that describes the way a substance acts with another substance?

Chemical and physical properties

Is evaporating alcohol a chemical property which distinguishes one substance from another?

No. Evaporation is a physical process and it does not distinguish one substance from another.

Is a soluble in alcohol a physical or chemical property?

Solubility in alcohol is considered a physical property, as it describes how a substance interacts with another without changing its chemical composition.

Is the ability to combine with another substance physical?

Yes, the ability to combine with another substance is a physical property that depends on the chemical composition and structure of the substances involved. The physical properties of the substances, such as molecular size, polarity, and intermolecular forces, determine how easily they can combine with each other.

Is reacting with vinegar a physical or chemical property?

Reacting with vinegar is a chemical property because it involves a chemical change where new substances are formed. The reaction between vinegar (acetic acid) and another substance causes a chemical reaction that alters the composition of the original substances.

Is colorless a chemical or physical property?

Its a chemical property because the substance has changed into another