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Interrupted Projections

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The Robinson projection is commonly used to minimize distortion of continents on a world map. It achieves this by balancing the size and shape of landmasses while slightly distorting both.

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Q: Which mapmaking method would be used to minimize distortion of continents on a world map?
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What is the meaning of sciencetific method?

The scientific method is a systematic approach to investigating natural phenomena, involving making observations, forming hypotheses, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. It aims to minimize bias and errors in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

The name for showing round earth on a flat piece of paper?

cylindrical projectionhave fun :)

A Research method that can establish a causal link is?

An experimental research method can establish a causal link between variables by manipulating and controlling one variable (independent variable) while measuring its effect on another variable (dependent variable) in a controlled setting. Random assignment of participants to different conditions helps to minimize bias and establish causation.

What did Alfred Wegener fail to do?

Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift was initially met with skepticism because he was unable to provide a mechanism for how continents could move. Additionally, his hypothesis lacked strong geological evidence to support the movement of continents being driven by tectonic forces. Ultimately, Wegener's failure to address these concerns resulted in his theory being widely rejected during his lifetime.

How is ectasy used?

Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, is typically taken orally in pill form. It can be swallowed or crushed and mixed into a drink. Some people may also dissolve it and use it nasally, although this method is less common. Dosage and frequency of use should be carefully controlled to minimize potential health risks.

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What mapmaking method would minimize distortion of land masses on a world map?

A mapmaking method that minimizes distortion of land masses is the Equal Area projection, which preserves accurate relative sizes of land areas. Examples include the Mollweide and Goode's Homolosine projections.

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Where can you get Mac minimize effects for Windows 7?

I have found a method using X Windows Dock, but I don't like the look of that dock!!

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Where do you put the continents on a map?

Continents are typically placed on a world map by using a projection method, such as the Mercator projection, where they are spread out across the globe in their relative positions and sizes. The location of the continents on a map is determined by their latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates, as well as their relationships to other landmasses and bodies of water. It is important to accurately represent the shape and size of the continents to create an informative and visually appealing map.

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How do you minimize all windows?

Usually on the bottom left corner of the screen (next to the "start" button) the is an icon "Show Desktop".This is partially true but actually this doesn't minimize windows, it just hides them. There is not button for this but the keyboard shortcut is windows key + M and to reverse it the shortcut is windows key + shift + M