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Q: Which make a species a good intex fossil?
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It depends on how old the tooth is,but other than that,unless it's a rare shark,it wouldn't make a very good index fossil.

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what is this, your homework? yes and its hard.

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Does mucrospirifer make a good index fossil?

Yes, Mucrospirifer is a good index fossil because it lived during a specific geologic time period, the Devonian period, and had a wide distribution across different regions. Its distinct shell morphology and abundance in the fossil record make it useful for correlating and dating rock layers.

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How do you make an fosill on alchemy on iPhone?

Fossil = butterfly + earth fossil = fern + earth Fossil + life = Zombie :)

Can fossil fuel be used to make gasoline for autos?

yes there are some fossil fuels used to make gasoline for autos.

How do you make fossil on alchemy for ipod?

animal fossil=earth+undefined dead lifeform

What fossil fuel is used to make petrol?

petrol is made from the fossil fuel oil

Why does the coral reef have high biodiversity?

good! high biodiversity means there are many different species which all can interact and make a good ecosystem.

If you already choose a claw fossil how do you get a root fossil?

You make a Pokemon hold a root fossil on another game. Then you migrate or trade that Pokemon to the game that you have the claw fossil.