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Q: Which macronutrient is responsible for repairing and rebuilding body tissues?
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What substance builds up body tissues?

Protein is a macronutrient that is essential for building and repairing body tissues. It is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. Consuming adequate amounts of protein through your diet is important for maintaining and repairing tissues in the body.

What part of the cell is responsible for building and repairing of body?

The ribosomes in a cell are responsible for building proteins, which are essential for repairing and building the body's tissues and structures. Proteins are the main building blocks of the body and are involved in numerous cellular processes related to growth and repair.

What nutrient class does not function as a builder of body tissue?

Carbohydrates do not function as a builder of body tissue. While they are a source of energy for the body, carbohydrates are primarily used for fuel rather than for building and repairing tissues. Proteins are the main nutrient class responsible for building body tissues.

Bone building cells?

Bone building cells are called osteoblasts. They are responsible for the production and mineralization of bone tissue. Osteoblasts play a crucial role in bone formation and repair.

What is the food chemical mainly responsible for growth and repair?

Protein is the food chemical primarily responsible for growth and repair in the body. It is essential for building and repairing tissues, including muscles, skin, and organs. Consuming an adequate amount of protein in the diet is important for overall health and optimal growth.

Which substance in the blood is responsible for carryingoxygen to the tissues?

Hemoglobin is the substance in the blood responsible for carrying oxygen to the tissues. It is a protein found in red blood cells that binds to oxygen in the lungs and releases it to the body's tissues and organs.

Which system is responsible for transporting hormones from endocrine glands to various body tissues?

The circulatory system is responsible for transporting hormones from endocrine glands to target tissues.

What tissues are responsible for gas exhange in the frog?

skin is responsible for gas exchange in frogs, but not in snakes

What is the metabolic process that synthesizes materials needed for cellular growth?

Anabolism is the metabolic process responsible for synthesizing materials needed for cellular growth. It involves the building of complex molecules from simpler ones, requiring energy input. This process is essential for maintaining and repairing tissues in the body.

What are the functions for the four biochemicals?

Carbohydrates provide energy for the body. Proteins are essential for building and repairing tissues. Lipids are important for energy storage and cell membrane structure. Nucleic acids are responsible for storing and transmitting genetic information.

3 functions of protein?

building and repairing tissues(muscle).It helps keep hair,nails and skin healthy.protein is a source of energy..

What are the nutrients in the bloodstream?

Nutrients are the chemical that feed the cells. These are usually glucose for energy and amino acids and fatty acids for building and repairing tissues.