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Q: Which life process in the human body is utilized when any others occur?
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How do extra body parts occur?

Another name for extra body parts is supernumerary. They occur when there is a mutation within the human body's creation process. This causes an extra body part to happen.

Does burning process occur in vacuum?

burning process does not occur due to absence of air.

Does fission occur in the body?

No, fission does not naturally occur in the human body. Fission is a nuclear reaction that involves the splitting of atomic nuclei, which is not a process that happens in biological organisms.

When the human cells meet the process is called?

When human cells come together, the process is called cell fusion. This can occur naturally, such as during fertilization, or it can be induced in a laboratory setting for various purposes, such as creating hybrid cells or studying cell interactions.

Which process is most likely to occur in an after-activity review?

Identifying lessons learned, discussing what went well, what could be improved, and what actions should be taken to enhance future performance.

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Does most body process take place in water?

Yes, the majority of body processes occur in water. The reason is that the human body is composed of 65% water.

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Spirulina cells are capable of photosynthesis, a process where they convert sunlight into energy using chlorophyll. This process does not occur in human cells.

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Human error

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In the human brain Êthere is a section called the amygdala, this is the part of the brain that processes most incoming stimuli and this is the part of the brainÊwhere habits are formed.

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