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Protista, of course.

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Q: Which kingdom is the only kingdom of eukaryotes that contains both autotrophs and heterotrophs and both unicellular and multi cellular organisims?
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what kingdom contains unicellular organisims with a true nucleus?

protista, e.g phycomycetes , myxomycetes , which are unicellular but have complex cellular structure i-e have a true nucleus.

What is a living thing that carry out its life activities?

A cell. Cells are the basic unit of life. Unicellular organisms can perform life tasks on its own, and they are one cell. Multicellular organisims have more than one cell (you and I), and can also perform life tasks.

What are the remains of once living organisims found in sedimentary rocks?


Is this true about energy in ecosystems energy is transferred between organisims?

Yes, that is true.

Which of th following biological classifications groups has the most organisims?

place it in the sun

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Organisims that eat other organisims are called?


Compare autotroph and heterotroph?

Autotrophs are organisms that can produce their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, while heterotrophs rely on consuming other organisms for their food. Autotrophs are primary producers in the food chain, while heterotrophs are consumers that obtain energy by breaking down organic matter. Autotrophs play a crucial role in producing energy for ecosystems, while heterotrophs consume this energy to sustain themselves.

What are unicellular organisims?

Unicellular organisims are organisims that only have one cell like a zebra only has one cell.

What is the nitrogen base called in apt?

Heterotrophs must 'eat' other organisims in order to survive and make ATP, while autotrophs (such as plants) make their own food from the air

Why orparin said the first organisims was heterotrophs not autotrophs?

One good reason for that would be that O2 levels, the product of autotrophs, was not high in the early atmosphere. So, you needed autotrophs to build that O2 level to an appreciable amount of oxygen in the air. Since there was anaerobic life before autotrophs one could be reasonable sure they were hetertrophic.

What is the function in unicellular organisims?

A unicellular organism is a life form consisting of a single cell.

What are names of organisms that can make their own food?

Organisims that make its own food is called a AUTOTROPH for example PLANT

what kingdom contains unicellular organisims with a true nucleus?

protista, e.g phycomycetes , myxomycetes , which are unicellular but have complex cellular structure i-e have a true nucleus.

How do you define the terms autotroph?

autotroph is any animal that makes its own food, as opposed to heterotrophs that rely on other organisims for food

Organisims that produce their own food?

No group of animals make their own food. Only plants and some bacteria do.

Difference between multicellular organisims and colonies of unicellar organisms?

Multicellular organisms are made up of specialized cells that work together to form tissues and organs, while colonies of unicellular organisms consist of individual cells living in close proximity but maintaining their independence. Multicellular organisms have a higher level of organization and coordination compared to colonies of unicellular organisms.

What organisms are heterotrophs?

I would ask Google. Better answer: you, a dog, a horse, a bird, and many other and mostley all other animals are heterotrophs because they rely on other organisims to have their source of food and nutrition