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Q: Which is the largest orangnelle within and eukaryotic cell?
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What is the largest organelle within a eukaryotic cell?

The largest organelle in a eukaryotic cell is usually the nucleus, which contains the cell's genetic material in the form of DNA.

What is the largest cell in the eukaryotic cell?


What is largest human cell virus or bacterium?

The largest known virus is the Mimivirus with a length of 800 nanometers.

Which is the largest organelle within a eukaryotic cell?

A large, double membrane-bound organelle found in eukaryotic cells. Contains DNA and RNA. Organelle - A membrane-bound sub-cellular structure found in eukaryotic cells. The Cell nucleus, mitochondria, ER, and golgi apparatus are all examples.

What is the largest structure in eukaryotic cell?


What is usually the largest organ in a eukaryotic cell?


Where is DNA stored in a eukaryotic cells?

DNA of eukaryotic cell is present in nucleus.

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Which cytoplasmic organelle is treated as prokaryotic cell within eukaryotic cell?

The mitochondria.

What is found within and autotropic eukaryotic cell?

Typical eukaryotic organells can be found.Special thing is chloroplast.

What is the little organ in eukaryotic cells?

Organelle refers to the little organ within the eukaryotic cell

Eukaryotic DNA is generally located in the cell?

Eukaryotic DNA is located within the nucleus of the cell, where it is organized into multiple chromosomes. Additionally, small amounts of DNA can also be found in cell organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Overall, the majority of the genetic material in eukaryotic cells is contained within the nucleus.