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Q: Which is the imaginary line that connect the places of same height?
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What does contour mean in geography terms?

In geography, a contour refers to a line representing points of equal elevation on a map. Contour lines connect points of the same elevation to show the shape and steepness of terrain features such as hills, valleys, and slopes. By interpreting contour lines, one can visualize the topography of a region.

Through which two places does the imaginary line of earths axis pass?

Your mom, and dog

What is the name of of the imaginary line?

the equator is the imaginary line

Is an axis a real or an imaginary line?

The Axis is a Imaginary Line.

Can a contour line connect a point of 100 feet to a point with 110 feet?

No. Contour lines connect points of equal height.

What is the name of the line on a map that joins places of equal height?

The name of the line on a map that joins places of equals height is "the contour." Contour lines are lines of equal elevation, whereas isohypse are lines of equal geopotential height.

What is the imaginary line through Earth's poles called?

The imaginary line through Earth's poles is called the axis. It is an imaginary line that Earth rotates around.

Why can't contour lines cross merge or split?

Contour lines are imaginary lines that join points of equal height. Therefore, say, a 300 metre height contour line can never meet a 400 metre height one.

Is an isobar line that connects places that have the same air temperature?

No, an isobar line connects places that have the same atmospheric pressure. Isotherm lines, on the other hand, connect places with the same air temperature.

What imaginary line divides the earth into the north and south what imaginary line divides the earth into the northern and Southern Hemisphere?

The equator is the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

What is the name of the imaginary line the moon rotates on?

The imaginary line that the moon rotates on is called its axis.

Is a line imaginary?

no because it has lengthIn complex geometry, an imaginary line is a straight line that only contains one real point.