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Q: Which is the best method for student to identify a solution as an acid or a base?
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How could you use sodium carbonate powder to identify the solution that contains acid?

Adding sodium carbonate powder to an acid solution will cause fizzing or effervescence due to the reaction of the acid with the carbonate. This can help identify the presence of an acid in the solution.

Determination the concentration of concentrated hydrochloric acid?

To determine the concentration of concentrated hydrochloric acid, you can perform a titration with a standardized solution of a base, such as sodium hydroxide. By carefully adding the base to the acid solution and monitoring the pH change using a pH indicator or a pH meter, you can identify the equivalence point and calculate the concentration of the acid using the volume and molarity of the base solution used in the titration.

What is the laboratory method used to determine the concentration of an acid?

One common method to determine the concentration of an acid is titration. In an acid-base titration, a solution of known concentration (titrant) is added to the acid solution until the reaction is complete, as indicated by a color change with an indicator or a pH meter. The volume of titrant used is then used to calculate the concentration of the acid.

Indicator that can help us identify whether a solution contains an acid or what?

This is a pH indicator.

Name the method that can be used to separate amino acid from fruit juice solution?


What is acid titration?

Acid titration is a method used in analytical chemistry to determine the concentration of an acid in a solution. It involves gradually adding a standardized solution of base (titrant) to the acid solution until the equivalence point is reached, indicated by a color change in the indicator solution or pH meter. This helps calculate the unknown concentration of the acid.

How do you identify acid base and salt from the materials of known environment?

The most sure method is chemical analysis.

Which is the best method of estimate acetic acid in pharmaceutical and commercial preparation?

The best method for estimating acetic acid in pharmaceutical and commercial preparations is typically titration using a standardized sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution. This method involves titrating a known volume of acetic acid solution with NaOH until a color change occurs, indicating neutralization. The volume of NaOH used can then be used to calculate the concentration of acetic acid in the sample.

What method is used to determine a known concentration of acid solution by neutralizing it with a known concentration of a base?


How do you determine the concentration of concentrated hydrochloric acid?

Method: titration with a standardized solution of sodium (or potassium) hydroxide.

Why tartaric assay method falls under alkalimetric direct titration method?

The tartaric assay method falls under the alkalimetric direct titration method because it involves the direct titration of tartaric acid with a standardized alkali solution to determine its concentration. The method is based on the neutralization reaction between the tartaric acid and the alkali, which allows for the quantitative determination of the tartaric acid content present in the sample.

A student must make a 3 M acid solution using a 5 M acid solution Which of these is the safest way to make the solution?

The safest way to make a 3 M acid solution from a 5 M acid solution is by diluting the 5 M solution with water. To do this, you should measure out the volume of the 5 M solution needed to reach the desired concentration (3 M) and then add an appropriate amount of water to reach the final volume. Mixing acid into water can generate heat and splashes, so always add acid to water slowly while stirring to minimize potential hazards.