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Q: Which is not a characteristic of imprinting It is inherited. It cannot be changed. The mother must be present. It is a survival behavior.?
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An adaptation is an inherited characteristics that can be?

An adaptation is an inherited characteristic that enhances an organism's chances of survival and reproduction in a specific environment. It allows the organism to better fit its environment and improve its chances of passing on its genes to the next generation.

A type of learning in which an animal forms a bond to another organism shortly after birth or hatching?

This is known as imprinting, a form of learning in which there is a rapid and innate bond formed between a young animal and a caretaker, typically the parent. This bond has important consequences on the animal's behavior and social interactions throughout its life.

What is the difference between response and adaptation?

A response is a reaction or behavior to a stimulus or situation, while an adaptation is a trait or characteristic that increases an organism's chances of survival and reproduction in a specific environment over time. Responses are immediate and can vary, while adaptations are inherited and advantageous for long-term survival.

How is the behavior of an organism related to its survival?

The behavior of an organism is influenced by both its heredity and its environment.

When is imprinting most likely to ocur?

Imprinting is most likely to occur during a specific critical period shortly after birth or hatching, when a young animal forms a strong bond with its caregiver. This process helps the animal recognize and attach to the caregiver for survival and social development.

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A specific inherited characteristic?

== == The meaning of an inherited characteristic has to do with evolution. it is a trait that has been passed down from other generations to better your survival. It increases your "fitness", or the physical and behavhioral traits that enable an organism to survive.

What is the main motivation for behavior that is inherited and shared by animals from different species?

Behavior becomes established biologically because it contributes to the survival and successful reproduction of the species which exhibit that behavior.

What is an inherited characteristic that increases an organism's chance of survival.?

Adaptation c==3

Why is imprinting valuable to newborn animals?

imprinting is important as the ideal mate has to be found to keep the blood line going and makin sure of warewolf's survival

An inherited characteristic that increases an organisms ability to survive and reproduce in its specific environment is called a?

An inherited characteristic that increases an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its specific environment is called an adaptation. Adaptations help organisms better suit their environment and increase their chances of survival and reproduction.

An adaptation is an inherited characteristics that can be?

An adaptation is an inherited characteristic that enhances an organism's chances of survival and reproduction in a specific environment. It allows the organism to better fit its environment and improve its chances of passing on its genes to the next generation.

What are any inherited characteristic that increases an organisms chance of survival called?

Inherited characteristics that increase an organism's chance of survival are called adaptations. These traits are passed down from generation to generation and help the organism better suit its environment and improve its chances of survival and reproduction.

What is the purpose of imprinting?

Imprinting is a biological process that helps newborn animals form an attachment to their caregivers. It ensures that the animal recognizes and bonds with its parents, enabling them to receive care, protection, and socialization essential for their survival and development.

Can racism be hereditary?

No. Racism is what they call a "learned" behavior, in other words it is TAUGHT, not inherited like green eyes or freckles. Yes, it's hereditary. It arises from the human survival mechanism.

What inherited characteristics would increase plant survival?

in what way does the snail need the plant for survival

A type of learning in which an animal forms a bond to another organism shortly after birth or hatching?

This is known as imprinting, a form of learning in which there is a rapid and innate bond formed between a young animal and a caretaker, typically the parent. This bond has important consequences on the animal's behavior and social interactions throughout its life.

What is inherited characteristic that helps survival?

Characteristics that have been passed on by parents, grandparents, etc. These traits can often help certain organisms survive easier. i.e. thick polar bear fur, different types of teeth, etc.