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== == Keep it at a constant temp a little bit higher than you would want it when your not home. Preset it to start cooling down about an hour or so before you expect to be home. A tid bit of knowledge...... Most electric companies charge more during peak hours of usage. Make sure your house is cooler before times of peak usage. Peak usage is usually about 5pm when most people are getting off of work. EVERYONE wants their house to cool off really quickly when they get home! If your house is already cool, you won't be paying those 'peak hours of usage rates'. == ==

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3mo ago

Keeping your house at a consistent temperature is more energy-friendly as constantly adjusting the temperature requires more energy to heat or cool the space each time. With a programmable thermostat, you can set a comfortable temperature for when you are home and have it adjust automatically during times when you are away or sleeping, helping to save energy.

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Q: Which is more energy friendly.raising and lowering your house temperature i.e. programmable thermostator keeping it at a consistent temp?
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Will a programmable thermostat reduce your heating and cooling energy consumption?

Yes, programmable thermostats can reduce the energy used for air conditioning or heating by 5 to 30%. Programmable thermostats save money by turning the air conditioner to a higher setting (or heater to a lower setting) when no one is present in the house, or in the evenings when it is cooler. [From The Home Energy Saver a webpage from the Berkeley Lab website.] My monthly gas bill was $20/month lower after adding a programmable thermostat. I had already been turning down the heat when leaving the house, but the thermostat did it more efficiently and more regularly. My costs went up after adding a programmable thermostat, because my brother and I don't have a very consistent schedule. We would always turn up the thermostat when we left, and never forgot. Now that we have a programmable one, we don't worry about it, but since our schedules are not very consistent, the system runs a lot when we aren't there. Look into an Energex system. It solves that exact problem.

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