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A collection of monomers is more disordered than polymers. More linked subunits in varied arrangements allows for more random movement, bond formations, and thus energy release. The entropy of a group of monomers is greater than a polymer of the same size.

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1w ago

A polymer is typically more ordered than a collection of monomers because the monomers are more randomly arranged before they are linked together to form the polymer chain. Once the monomers are linked, they become more structured and organized in the polymer.

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Q: Which is more disordered a polymer or a collection of monomers?
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When two or more join together a polymer forms a molecule.

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What is a large molecule that is formed by more than 5 monomers?

A large molecule formed by more than 5 monomers is called a polymer. Polymers are macromolecules made up of repeating units called monomers, which combine through chemical bonds to form long chains. Examples of polymers include proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates.

Do a monomer or polymer contain more molecules?

a monomer Polymers are composed of monomers.

Large molecules that are formed by joining smaller organic molecules together?

These are polymers, which are made by linking monomers together through chemical bonds. This joining process is called polymerization, and it can result in a wide variety of complex and diverse molecules with unique properties and functions.

How does condensation polymerization takes place?

Condensation polymerization occurs when monomers with two or more functional groups, such as -OH or -COOH, react to form a polymer chain along with the release of a small molecule like water or HCl. This reaction involves the formation of covalent bonds between monomers through condensation reactions, leading to the growth of the polymer chain. The process continues until all the monomers have reacted or the polymer reaches a desired length.

What is the difference between polymers and monomers?

Monomers are small molecules that can join together to form larger molecules called polymers. Polymers are made up of repeating units of monomers linked together in a chain. Polymers have higher molecular weights and more complex structures compared to monomers.

What are characteristics of monomers?

Monomers are small, simple molecules that can bond together to form larger, more complex molecules. They typically have reactive functional groups that enable them to undergo polymerization reactions. Monomers are the building blocks of polymers and can be identical or different in a polymer chain.

Difference between homo polymer and co polymer?

Homopolymers are made up of repeating units of the same monomer, while copolymers are made up of repeating units of two or more different monomers. This difference results in homopolymers having a more uniform structure and properties, while copolymers can exhibit a combination of properties from the different monomers.

What natural monomer contains 3000 or more glucose monomers?

Cellulose is a natural polymer made of glucose monomers, containing 3000 or more glucose units. It is an essential structural component in plants and is a major source of dietary fiber for humans.

When monomers are linked they form molecules called?

DNA is made of small units called nucleotides. One nucleotide generally contains a phosphate group, a sugar (Deoxyribose), and nitrogen bases (Purines:Adenine, Guanine; and Pyrimidines: Cytosine, and Thymine)

How do you use monomer in a sentence?

Polymerization reactions typically involve the combination of monomers to form larger molecules. For example, in the production of plastics, monomers are linked together to create polymer chains that give the material its structure and properties.