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Q: Which is easiest to hold in your hands a small rock ml of water or the helium from a balloon?
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Which has a greater buoyant force a huge lead zepplin or a small helium filled balloon?

a small helium balloon :) i think.... i dont actually know the answer i just know that a small helium balloon will be very buoyant :)

Medium balloon and small balloon filled with hellium which holds more heat?

Both the medium and small balloon filled with helium will not hold heat well because helium is a poor conductor of heat. The amount of helium in each balloon will not significantly affect its ability to hold heat.

Why after 24 hours helium balloon won't fly what is happening with the helium?

Helium atoms are very small and able to diffuse through the balloon material over time, leading to a loss of buoyancy. As a result, the balloon becomes deflated and unable to lift the weight of the rubber and any attachments.

How much does a small helium balloon weigh?

* Calculate the volume of the ballon * Calculate the weight of the helium: G= V x 0,1786 (the helium density in g/L) * Add the weight of the balloon material (rubber, plastic, etc.)

What is an object with small mass and high capacity?

A hydrogen balloon, or for safety's sake, a helium balloon.

Why do helium balloons shrink and stop floating?

Helium atoms are small and can escape from the balloon's walls over time, causing the balloon to shrink as the amount of helium inside decreases. As the balloon shrinks, there is less helium to provide buoyancy, so it can no longer float and eventually falls to the ground.

What will happen if you leave a balloon over night?

A small amount of air or helium within the balloon will escape through the balloon material.

What makess up helium balloons?

Helium balloons are typically made of a thin, flexible material such as latex or Mylar. The helium gas inside the balloon makes it float due to its low density compared to air. A small valve is usually attached to the balloon to allow for inflation and tying off the balloon.

How do you weight a balloon with hellium?

To weight a helium balloon, you can attach small weights to it until it stays grounded. By adding enough weight to counteract the lifting force of the helium, you can measure the weight of the balloon.

How do balloon fly?

Balloons are filled with helium. Helium is a gas that can make light objects float, or make your voice all squeaky. So if you want to pee your pants laughing, go cut a small hole in a balloon and suck the helium out and then speak.

Why can a small tank of helium gas fuel 700 balloons?

Because the particles of helium in the tank are farther apart than particles in the balloon

Why can small tank of helium gas fuel 700 balloons?

Because the particles of helium in the tank are farther apart than particles in the balloon