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Q: Which is a possible stage in the rock cycle?
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What part of the rock cycle is marble at now?

Marble is a metamorphic rock, which means it has undergone transformation from its original rock form through heat and pressure. In the rock cycle, marble is currently in the metamorphic rock stage.

Why can't a rock's history be traced from magma to igneous rock to sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock and back to magma?

A rock's history cannot be traced in a complete cycle because the processes involved in each stage can vary greatly, and not all rocks go through every stage. Additionally, external factors such as tectonic movements or erosion can disrupt the cycle and prevent a rock from completing the full cycle.

Does every rock go through the complete cycle each time around?

No, not every rock goes through the complete rock cycle in each cycle. Some rocks may remain in the same stage for a longer period of time or may skip certain stages depending on conditions like weathering, erosion, and tectonic activity. The rock cycle is a continuous process, but not all rocks experience all stages in every cycle.

Why rock cycle has nor a beginning not an end?

The rock cycle is a continuous process where rocks are constantly being formed, broken down, and reformed through various geological processes such as weathering, erosion, deposition, and tectonic activities. There is no specific starting or ending point because the cycle is ongoing and interconnected, with rocks undergoing different transformations without a fixed sequence. Each stage of the rock cycle can lead to the next stage in a continuous loop, making it a cyclical and dynamic process.

Is the gametophyte stage the dominant stage in a gymnosperms life cycle?

No, the sporophyte stage is the dominant stage in the gymnosperm life cycle. The gametophyte stage is reduced and dependent on the sporophyte for nutrition and support.

Related questions

Is it possible for rocks in the rock cycle to skip becoming sedimentary rock?

Yes, it is possible for rocks in the rock cycle to skip becoming sedimentary rock. Rocks can undergo processes such as metamorphism or melting to transform directly into igneous or metamorphic rocks without passing through a sedimentary stage.

What stage in the rock cycle is can every type of rock go through directly?

The stage in the rock cycle where every type of rock can go through directly is the metamorphic stage. This is where rocks are subjected to intense heat and pressure, causing them to change into new types of rocks without needing to go through the other stages of the rock cycle.

What stage in the rock cycle is between metamorphic rock and igneous rock?


What are the stage of rock cycle?

sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic

Is it possible for rocks to skip sedimentary in the rock cycle?

Yes, rocks can skip the sedimentary stage in the rock cycle by transforming directly from one type of rock to another through processes like metamorphism or melting and solidification. This can happen when rocks are subjected to high temperatures and pressures that alter their composition and characteristics without going through the sedimentary stage of being weathered, eroded, and deposited.

Is it possible for the rocks in the rock cycle to skip becoming sedimentary rock?


Is a quasar the same as a galaxy?

No, it's a possible stage in the life cycle of a star.

Why can't a rock's history be traced from magma to igneous rock to sedimentary rock to metamorphic rock and back to magma?

A rock's history cannot be traced in a complete cycle because the processes involved in each stage can vary greatly, and not all rocks go through every stage. Additionally, external factors such as tectonic movements or erosion can disrupt the cycle and prevent a rock from completing the full cycle.

What does a rock cycle look like?

The rock cycle is a process of formation and transformation of rocks. The first stage is the molten lava that comes out of a volcano. The next stages include transformation or metamorphosis of rocks.

Is it possible for rocks in the rock cycle to skip becoming sedimentare rocks?


Why does the uniformitarian rock cycle appear to mot be a true cycle?

The uniformitarian rock cycle appears to not be a true cycle because in reality, not all rocks go through every stage of the cycle continuously and in the same order. The rock cycle is a simplified model to show the various processes that can transform rocks over time, but in nature, rocks may skip certain stages or go through them multiple times due to complex geological processes and conditions.

Why rock cycle has nor a beginning not an end?

The rock cycle is a continuous process where rocks are constantly being formed, broken down, and reformed through various geological processes such as weathering, erosion, deposition, and tectonic activities. There is no specific starting or ending point because the cycle is ongoing and interconnected, with rocks undergoing different transformations without a fixed sequence. Each stage of the rock cycle can lead to the next stage in a continuous loop, making it a cyclical and dynamic process.