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The process of replication. The pairing of bases allows the cells to replicate, or make copies of DNA. Each base always bonds with only one other base. Pairs of bases are complementary to each other, and both sides of a DNA molecule are complementary.
DNA replication.

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6y ago
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12y ago

Me personally? No. But the procedure you are speaking of is known as cloning. Though it is mostly illegal here in the US, many other countries have experiemented with it. Many can hardly be called successful due to medical problems with the test subjects. Long term affects have yet to be identified as it's not a widely accepted area of study, and it's creation is only 2 decades old.

The UN under it's conventions has banned any (whole) Human Cloning or otherwise creating a whole new human without the natural biological procress.

There are certain types of creatures that can make literal copies of themselves, making exact copies of their own DNA to produce offspring. See related link.

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14y ago

New DNA molecules are made by copying, using old DNA molecules as a template.

Our understanding of this process also goes back to Watson and Crick's observation that only certain base pairings can exist in DNA. Each DNA strand contains the information necessary to reconstruct the other, or complementary, strand.

When a cell needs to copy a DNA molecule, it "unzips" part of the double helix, breaking the rungs of the ladder in half so that the molecule separates down the middle. New nucleotides, floating free in the cell, can then hook up with complementary nucleotides along each strand. Gradually the unzipping proceeds, and the new strands continue to grow until one DNA molecule becomes two identical DNA molecules.

A cell copies all of its DNA in this fashion each time it divides. In the cells of complex organisms such as humans, this process takes an average of 8 hours. In other words, each human cell can read and reproduce the entire genome sequence in one working day.

Scientists use a similar method to make copies of DNA in the laboratory. They put a piece of DNA in a test tube along with a bunch of free nucleotides, short DNA sequences called primers, and some enzymes that help the process along. Given the right conditions of chemistry and temperature, up to a billion DNA molecules, all identical to the original template molecule, may be produced in a matter of hours.

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13y ago

DNA carries the genetic information of a cell and consists of thousands of genes. Each gene serves as a recipe on how to build a protein molecule. Proteins perform important tasks for the cell functions or serve as building blocks. The flow of information from the genes determines the protein composition and thereby the functions of the cell.

The DNA is situated in the nucleus, organized into chromosomes. Every cell must contain the genetic information and the DNA is therefore duplicated before a cell divides (replication). When proteins are needed, the corresponding genes are transcribed into RNA (transcription). The RNA is first processed so that non-coding parts are removed (processing) and is then transported out of the nucleus (transport). Outside the nucleus, the proteins are built based upon the code in the RNA (translation).

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15y ago

That happens every time a cell divides.

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14y ago

DNA Replication.


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DNA replication.

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Q: Which is a method of making new copies of DNA?
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How do the new copies of DNA compare to the original DNA?

DNA replicates using the process called semiconservative replication. An original DNA molecule is complementary to the replicated molecule, which means that they are identical copies of each other.

When DNA splits a new 'what' of DNA is formed?

When DNA splits, two new strands of DNA are formed through a process called DNA replication. Each new strand is complementary to the original strand, resulting in two identical copies of the DNA molecule.

What makes copies of viral DNA?

During the process of viral replication, the virus uses host cells to produce copies of its viral DNA. This process typically involves the virus injecting its genetic material into the host cell's nucleus, where it hijacks the cell's machinery to replicate its DNA. This results in the production of multiple copies of the viral DNA, which can then be packaged into new viral particles.

The process by which a DNA molecule copies itself is called?

The process by which a DNA molecule copies itself is called DNA replication. During this process, the double-stranded DNA molecule unwinds and separates into two complementary strands, and new nucleotides are added to each strand according to base pairing rules to form two identical DNA molecules.

During DNA replication what?

During DNA replication, the DNA double helix unwinds and separates into two strands. Each strand serves as a template for the synthesis of a new complementary strand, resulting in two identical DNA molecules. These new DNA molecules can then be used to create new cells or for genetic information transfer during cell division.

Related questions

Where are the instructions for making new copies of a virus found?

Instructions for making new copies of a virus are found in the virus's genetic material, which contains the information needed for replication. This genetic material can be RNA or DNA, depending on the type of virus. The virus uses host cells to replicate and make new copies of itself, often causing harm to the host in the process.

How do the new copies of DNA compare to the original DNA?

DNA replicates using the process called semiconservative replication. An original DNA molecule is complementary to the replicated molecule, which means that they are identical copies of each other.

What is a method of making many copies of DNA?

Polymerase chain reaction

What is process of making new DNA?

DNA replication.

How does a virus multiplied?

A virus injects its DNA into the host cell making it produce multiple copies of that DNA and multiple copies of the protein capsule of that virus. After a while, the host cell becomes full of many copies of that virus, then the host cell explodes releasing all the new viruses. If the host cell is a bacterium and the the virus is a bacterophage, this phenomenon is done in two ways either by the lytic cycle in which virus DNA survives and the bacterial cell is destroyed,or the lysogenic cycle in which virus DNA is incorporated in the host cell DNA.

When DNA splits a new 'what' of DNA is formed?

When DNA splits, two new strands of DNA are formed through a process called DNA replication. Each new strand is complementary to the original strand, resulting in two identical copies of the DNA molecule.

Is the order of base pairsfrom top to bottomdifferent or the same for each new DNA molecules?

Assuming that no errors occurred during DNA replication, both copies of the new DNA molecules should be identical.

Process when DNA copies itself?

DNA replication is a semi-conservative process where the double-stranded DNA molecule unwinds and each strand serves as a template for the synthesis of a new complementary strand. DNA polymerase enzymes read the template strands and add nucleotides to form the new strands, resulting in two identical copies of the original DNA molecule.

What theory accounts for the method by which a molecule of DNA makes a copy of itself?

The theory of DNA replication explains how a double-stranded DNA molecule is copied to produce two identical copies. This process involves the separation of the two strands, the synthesis of new complementary strands, and the proofreading mechanisms to maintain accuracy in the newly synthesized DNA.

What makes copies of viral DNA?

During the process of viral replication, the virus uses host cells to produce copies of its viral DNA. This process typically involves the virus injecting its genetic material into the host cell's nucleus, where it hijacks the cell's machinery to replicate its DNA. This results in the production of multiple copies of the viral DNA, which can then be packaged into new viral particles.

True or false cell increases in size it usually makes extra copies of its DNA?

False. When a cell increases in size, it does not necessarily make extra copies of its DNA. Instead, the existing DNA is condensed and organized within the nucleus to accommodate the larger cell size.

The phase in which DNA copies itself?

The phase in which DNA copies itself is called DNA replication. This process occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle and involves the synthesis of a new DNA strand using the existing DNA strand as a template. DNA replication is essential for cell division and passing on genetic information to daughter cells.