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Both are in the same group; accordingly, they have the same number of valence electrons (2).

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2w ago

Both calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) have two valence electrons each.

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Q: Which has the greater number of valence electrons Ca or Mg?
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What is the number of valence electrons in Ca and Cl?

Ca has 2 valence electrons, and Cl has 7 valence electrons.

Number of valence electrons calcium lose?

Calcium has 2 valence electrons in its outer shell. To achieve a full outer shell, it will lose these 2 electrons, becoming a Ca^2+ ion.

Which element has a mass number of 40 and only has 2 valance electrons?

The element with a mass number of 40 and 2 valence electrons is calcium (Ca).

How many valence electrons are found in an atom of Ca?

There are two valence electrons in Ca. To determine this write out the electronic configuration of Ca using the Principal quantum number method K L M N 2 8 8 2 as you can see the number of electrons in the outermost shell (which is the valency) is 2. Making Ca a metal and giving away its 2q outermost electrons to attain a stable electronic configuration.

How many valence electron does Ca have?

Calcium's atomic number is 20. It therefore has 20 protons and 20 electrons. Since calcium is a group 2 element, 2 of those electrons are valence electrons.

Which element have two valence electrons?

Calcium (Ca) has two valence electrons.

What is the shielding constant for calcium (Ca) (Z= Atomic number; Ve= Valence electrons. s =shielding constant or inner electrons?

The shield is the inner electronic

What is valency of an element having atomic number 20?

H, Li, Na, K = 1valence electrons Be, Mg, Ca = 2 valence electrons B, Al = 3 valence electrons C, Si = 4 valence electrons N, P = 5 valence electrons O, S = 6 valence electrons F, Cl = 7 valence electrons He, Ne. Ar = 0 because they are noble gases and all their electron shells are full

What is the atomic number for Ca?

the atomic number of Ca or calcium is 20. That gives it an electron arangement of 2,8,8,2, It has 20 protons and 20 electrons with a full valence electron shell. Hope this helps you

How many electrons are found in an atom of Ca?

6 electrons in Ca are core electrons: 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p6,4s2 For every complete orbital, there is a core electron. There are a total of 18 core electrons in Ca. Also, there are 2 valence electrons in Ca. The valence electrons are the electrons that are in the outmost most shell, which will be the fourth shell.

What is true about the element calcium Ca atomic number 20 A It has 2 valence electrons B It has 4 valence electrons C It is a nonmetal D It is reactive E It is metal?

E. It is metal. Calcium has 2 valence electrons and is classified as a metal. It is also reactive, especially with water and oxygen.

What element has 2 valence electrons and 4 energey levels?

The element with 2 valence electrons and 4 energy levels is Calcium (Ca), which has an electron configuration of 2-8-8-2.