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Larger crystal size is generally associated with longer cooling times, because large crystals take a long time to form. For this reason, intrusive (underground) igneous rocks have larger crystals than extrucive (above ground) rocks, due to the lack of insulation, and hence faster cooling, at the surface.

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14y ago
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3mo ago

Rocks with bigger crystals typically form slowly deep within the Earth's crust, allowing more time for mineral grains to grow. Rapid cooling or formation at shallow depths results in smaller crystals, as there is less time for mineral growth. The composition of the rock, as well as factors like pressure and water content, also play a role in crystal size.

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13y ago

Crystals need time to grow and magma cools much more slowly under the surface of the earth than when it erupts as lava. There are plenty of other things they need too, notably the chemical components within the magma itself - if you have lots of silicon, you get lots of quartz for instance.

Some crystals will only occur at deep depths where the pressure and heat is much higher, such as diamonds (you do not get diamonds from volcanic lava because of the lack of pressure and heat).

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13y ago

Because of difference in their various modes of formations.

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18y ago

They are older; more time to form.

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13y ago

NO. They also form on earths surface.

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Q: Why do some rocks have bigger crystals than others?
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Do rocks have crystals?

Yes, rocks can have crystals. Many rocks are made up of minerals that have a crystalline structure. Examples of rocks with crystals include granite, quartz, and calcite.

Why do some rocks have crystal?

Some rocks have crystals because the minerals within them cooled and solidified slowly, allowing enough time for the atoms to arrange themselves in an ordered, repeating pattern. This orderly arrangement forms crystals with distinct shapes and structures, giving the rock its crystalline appearance.

Some WHAT igneous rocks have individual mineral crystals that are too small to be seen without magnification?

Aphanitic igneous rocks have individual mineral crystals that are too small to be seen without magnification. These rocks cool rapidly, resulting in the formation of tiny crystals. Examples include basalt and rhyolite.

What kinds of rocks have crystals?

Igneous rocks such as granite and basalt often contain crystals, as they form from the cooling of molten magma. Metamorphic rocks like marble and quartzite can also have crystals, which form due to the recrystallization of minerals under high pressure and temperature conditions. Some sedimentary rocks like limestone may have crystals that grew in gaps or voids within the rock.

What is the relationship between cooling time igneous rocks and the size of its crystals?

The cooling time of igneous rocks affects the size of its crystals. Slow cooling allows crystals more time to grow larger, resulting in coarse-grained rocks. In contrast, rapid cooling leads to smaller crystals, forming fine-grained rocks.

Related questions

Why do some igneous rocks have bigger crystals then others?

some of them are formed inside the earth and take 100's of years to form and form large cyclists in that time

Name some rocks which have crystals?

All rocks have crystals, or at least crystalline structures. Sedimentary rocks may not have crystals as such, but the individual grains have internal crystal structures. All magmatic and metamorphic rocks have crystals, though they may be too small to be seen without the aid of a microscope. Only possible exception is Obsidian (volcanic glass) which may be amorphous.

Do rocks have crystals?

Yes, rocks can have crystals. Many rocks are made up of minerals that have a crystalline structure. Examples of rocks with crystals include granite, quartz, and calcite.

What is th size grain of metamorphic rocks?

It varies some metamorphic rocks are fine grained (eg slate) and others have very large crystals (eg an augen gneiss).

Why do some rocks have crystal?

Some rocks have crystals because the minerals within them cooled and solidified slowly, allowing enough time for the atoms to arrange themselves in an ordered, repeating pattern. This orderly arrangement forms crystals with distinct shapes and structures, giving the rock its crystalline appearance.

Why do some igneous rocks have big crystals or grains and some igneous rocks have small crystals or grains?

Igneous rocks with big crystals or grains form from slow cooling beneath the Earth's surface, allowing time for larger crystals to grow. In contrast, igneous rocks with small crystals or grains form from fast cooling at or near the Earth's surface, limiting the time available for crystal growth.

What type of rocks form due to cooling?

The earth is composed of various types of rocks, some formed as a result of pressure while others due to cooling. Igneous rocks form when molten lava cools and solidify to form crystals.

Why does igneous rock have bigger crystals and some have small crystals?

The reason why is because of where it comes from in a volcano and how fast it cools. If it cools slowly then it will have bigger crystals because the longer it has to cool the longer the crystals have to grow. So dose that answer your question

Are there crystal rocks by your home?

yes there are some rocks that are round called geodes these rocks are hollow on the inside and have crystals inside them

Some WHAT igneous rocks have individual mineral crystals that are too small to be seen without magnification?

Aphanitic igneous rocks have individual mineral crystals that are too small to be seen without magnification. These rocks cool rapidly, resulting in the formation of tiny crystals. Examples include basalt and rhyolite.

Why do some igneous rocks have larger crystals than others?

The size of the crystals depend on the time it took the rock to cool. Slow cooling rocks have larger crystals because they had a longer time to grow their crystals. For example Basalt is an volcanic extrusive igneous rock that forms from rapid cooling of the magma and are usually located near the surface or on the ocean floor, it has finer crystals not visible by the naked eye. Granite is an intrusive igneous rock that forms from slow cooling of the magma within the earth crust, it has larger crystals.

Why is a igneous rock appear smooth and glassy?

Some igneous rocks are very smooth and glassy (obsidian) while others have a very rough texture, such as the rocks used on the bottom of a propane gas grill. They are all formed from lava, but the glassy rocks cooled so fast that crystals did not have a chance to form. The rougher rocks cooled more slowly, allowing larger crystals to form--Slower cooling = larger crystals = rougher texture.