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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

Hydrogen gas has a highest specific heat capacity.

At room temperature, the highest heat capacities known are:

hydrogen gas -- 14.3 J/K/g water vapour -- 7.3 J/K/g helium gas -- 4.3 J/K/g liquid water -- 4.2 J/K/g

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โˆ™ 3mo ago

The element with the lowest specific heat is helium. It has a specific heat capacity of 5.19 J/(kgยทK), which is the lowest among all the elements.

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โˆ™ 12y ago

Radon, with a specific heat capacity of 0.094 j/(g*K).

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โˆ™ 12y ago

Gold has low specific heat value of 0.129

compared to Mercury has 0.140

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What element has the highest specific heat of any solid element?

The element with the highest specific heat of any solid element is beryllium. It has a specific heat capacity of 1.825 J/gยฐC, which is higher than the specific heat capacities of other solid elements.

What is an example of low specific heat?

An example of a substance with low specific heat is metal, such as iron or aluminum. These materials heat up quickly when exposed to heat and cool down quickly as well, due to their low specific heat capacity.

Does mercury has low specific heat?

No, mercury has a relatively high specific heat compared to other metals. Its specific heat is about 0.14 calories per gram per degree Celsius.

What substances that heat and cool quickly have a high or low specific heat?

Substances that heat and cool quickly typically have a low specific heat. This means they require less energy to change their temperature compared to substances with a high specific heat, which require more energy to heat up or cool down. Examples of substances with low specific heat include metals like copper and aluminum.

Will things that heat quickly have a low or high specific heat?

Things that heat quickly typically have a low specific heat capacity, as they require less energy to raise their temperature compared to substances with a higher specific heat capacity.

Water has a relatively low specific heat?

The specific heat of water is high. An example of an object with low specific heat would be a metal pan. Since specific heat is the energy needed to raise 1g of something 1 degree Celsius, water would have a high specific heat.

Is desert sand a high or low specific heat capacity?

The desert sand has very low specific heat because it absorbs and releases heat very readily.

What is a substance with low specific heat?

Substances with low specific heat have the ability to heat up or cool down quickly with a small amount of energy. Common examples include metals like copper and aluminum, which have low specific heat compared to substances like water.

How does the specific heat affect the cooling and heating of materials?

The specific heat of a material determines how much heat energy is needed to change its temperature. Materials with high specific heat require more energy to heat up or cool down compared to materials with low specific heat. This means materials with high specific heat will heat and cool more slowly than those with low specific heat.

Does sand have a high or low specific heat capacity?

Sand has a relatively low specific heat capacity compared to other substances. This means that it heats up and cools down quickly when exposed to temperature changes.

What is the heat element in plaster?

There is no specific element in plaster that produces. The chemical reaction that results when plaster is mixed with water is what produces the heat.

Which substance would you expect to heat up most quickly?

A substance with low specific heat capacity and low thermal conductivity would heat up most quickly because it requires less energy to raise its temperature and does not distribute heat effectively. Materials like metals and low-density liquids generally heat up quickly compared to dense solids with high specific heat capacities.