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Group-1 has largest atomic radius. It decreases across a period

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Q: Which group of the main group elements contains the largest elements - Atomic Radius?
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Of the six elements shown here BLANK has the smallest atomic radius and BLANK has the largest atomic radius?

Fluorine has the smallest atomic radius, while Francium has the largest atomic radius.

What element have the largest radius?

Francium has the largest atomic radius of all the elements on the Periodic Table.

Which of these elements has the largest atomic radius. Aluminum potassium fluorine. Calcium?

Potassium has the largest atomic radius. It is in the 1st group of the periodic table. Fluorine has the least atomic radius.

Which element has the largest radius?

francium has the largest ionic radius

Which atom has the largest atomic raidius?

Francium has the largest atomic radius among all elements.

What elements boron aluminum gallium or indium has the largest atomic radius?

The element with the largest atomic radius among boron, aluminum, gallium, and indium is indium. As you move down the group in the periodic table, atomic radius generally increases due to the addition of electron shells. Indium, being the lowest in this group, has the largest atomic radius.

Which element has the largest atomic radius out of fluorine chlorine or bromine?

Bromine has the largest atomic radius among fluorine, chlorine, and bromine. Atomic radius increases down a group on the periodic table, so bromine, located at the bottom, has the largest atomic radius of the three elements.

What neutral atoms has the largest atomic size betwee K Al S and Si?

From the given elements, potassium has the largest atomic radius.

How does fluorines atomic radius compare to oxygen radius and chlorines radius?

Fluorine has the smallest atomic radius among fluorine, oxygen, and chlorine. Oxygen has a larger atomic radius than fluorine but smaller than chlorine. Chlorine has the largest atomic radius among the three elements.

Which element has the large atomic radius?

Francium. The elements of the lower left hand side of the periodic table have the largest atomic radius. The upper right has the smallest.

Why does indium have the largest atomic radius?

Indium has the largest atomic radius among elements in its period because of the shielding effect. With more electron shells, the outer electrons are further from the nucleus, resulting in a larger atomic radius.

Which element in row 8 has the largest atomic radius?

The element in row 8 (period 8) with the largest atomic radius is oganesson (Og). Oganesson is a synthetic element and is located at the bottom of the periodic table, hence it has the largest atomic radius among the elements in that row.