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Q: Which group of animals can reproduce asexually or sexually?
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What kingdom is spores in?

Spores are found in the Kingdom Fungi. Fungi are a group of organisms that include mushrooms, molds, and yeasts. Spores are reproductive cells that are produced by fungi for dispersal and reproduction.

How do ciliates multiply?

Ciliates multiply through a process called binary fission, where the cell divides into two daughter cells. In some cases, they can also reproduce sexually through conjugation, where genetic material is exchanged between two individuals. This allows for genetic diversity and enhances survivability in changing environments.

What is the fungal group distinguished by a simple life cycle without sexual reproduction?

The group of fungi known as zygomycetes is characterized by a simple life cycle without sexual reproduction. Instead, they reproduce asexually through the formation of spores. This group includes common molds like Rhizopus.

How does red algae reproduce?

Red algae reproduce through a process known as alternation of generations. This involves the alternation between a diploid sporophyte generation and a haploid gametophyte generation. The sporophyte produces haploid spores through meiosis, which then develop into new gametophytes. The gametophytes then produce haploid gametes through mitosis, which fuse to form a zygote and restart the cycle.

What is the different between mold and fungus?

Molds are a type of fungi that typically have a fuzzy or powdery appearance, while fungus is a broader term that encompasses various types of organisms that include molds, yeasts, and mushrooms. Fungus refers to a group of organisms that can be single-celled or multicellular, while mold specifically refers to multicellular fungi that grow in the form of hyphae.

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What are three animals that reproduce asexually?

Three creatures that reproduce asexually are the paramecium, amoeba, and diatoms. These are microscopic organisms that live mainly in freshwater. In case you haven't heard of diatoms, they're a group of single celled alga that come in many shapes and colors.

What kingdom is spores in?

Spores are found in the Kingdom Fungi. Fungi are a group of organisms that include mushrooms, molds, and yeasts. Spores are reproductive cells that are produced by fungi for dispersal and reproduction.

What is a group of organisms that reproduce only among themselves?

Asexual reproduction occurs for single-celled organisms such as the archaea, bacteria, ameoba and protists. Many plants and fungi reproduce this way as well. Prokaryotes also reproduce asexually. Multi-cell organisms do not reproduce asexually.

How do ciliates multiply?

Ciliates multiply through a process called binary fission, where the cell divides into two daughter cells. In some cases, they can also reproduce sexually through conjugation, where genetic material is exchanged between two individuals. This allows for genetic diversity and enhances survivability in changing environments.

What are the differences between paramecium and humans?

Paramecium are single-celled organisms that belong to the group of protists, while humans are multicellular organisms from the animal kingdom. Paramecium have cilia for movement, while humans have a complex nervous system and musculoskeletal system for locomotion. Additionally, Paramecium reproduce asexually by binary fission, whereas humans reproduce sexually.

What is a sex group?

A sex group is a group of organisms that reproduce sexually, typically within a species. Members of a sex group have the capability to interbreed and produce offspring with genetic variation.

Butterflies being arthropods do they reproduce sexually?

Butteflies are not arthropods, they are members of Insecta, in the group Lepidoptera. Arthropods have 8 legs, and Butterflies have 6.

What is the fungal group distinguished by a simple life cycle without sexual reproduction?

The group of fungi known as zygomycetes is characterized by a simple life cycle without sexual reproduction. Instead, they reproduce asexually through the formation of spores. This group includes common molds like Rhizopus.

What makes up an ecosytem?

What makes up an Ecosystem is a group of animals together in one environment which animals reproduce and not just animal but Human Beings also make an environment!

What animals are hermaphrodite?

Hermaphrodite animals: Each individual function as both male and female in sexual reproduction by producing sperm and eggs. Sponges (Porifera)Free living species - Planarians (part of the Lophotrochozoa group, under Flatworms) reproduce through fissionSnails (part of the Molluscs group, under Hexapods)Earthworms (part of the Annelids group, under Oligochaeta) reproduce through cross fertilization.

How does red algae reproduce?

Red algae reproduce through a process known as alternation of generations. This involves the alternation between a diploid sporophyte generation and a haploid gametophyte generation. The sporophyte produces haploid spores through meiosis, which then develop into new gametophytes. The gametophytes then produce haploid gametes through mitosis, which fuse to form a zygote and restart the cycle.

Do species make up populations?

Yes, a population is a group of organisms of the same kind that live together and reproduce in a particular place. A species is a group of the same kinds of animals. Ex. The lion population in Kenya.