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In general outline, photosynthesis is the opposite of cellular respiration. CO2+ H2O+sunlight ----> O2 + H2O +carbohydrates.
It uses carbon dioxide and the energy from sunlight to make carbohydrates and oxygen (a waste product from plants).

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3mo ago

Plants give off oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. This oxygen is released into the atmosphere as a waste product of the process.

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13y ago

after photosynthesis plants give off oxygen

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12y ago

During photosynthesis plants take in "Carbon Dioxide" and give out "Oxygen"

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11y ago

The gas given out by plants during photosynthesis is oxygen.

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4y ago

carbon dioxide

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Q: What gas do plant give off after photosynthesis?
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What gas is likely to be in photosynthesis give off?

Oxygen is given off as a by-product os photosynthesis

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In total darkness does a plant give off carbon dioxide?

A plant does give off Carbon Dioxide at night when there is not enough light for photosynthesis to occur.

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Paints do not give off any gasses in the process of photosynthesis, or as a result of byproduct thereof. To be clear, paints are not involved in any way with photosynthesis.

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During photosynthesis, grass gives off oxygen gas (O2) as a byproduct. This oxygen is released into the atmosphere as a result of the plant using sunlight to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) into glucose and oxygen.

What does a deer give off that would help a plant during photosynthesis?

Deer give off carbon dioxide when they exhale, which can be used by plants in photosynthesis to produce oxygen and sugars.

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If you place a plant in a clear sealed box how could you use a measurement of the gases in the boxed air to measure the rate of photosynthesis?

You can measure the rate of photosynthesis by monitoring the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide within the sealed box over time. As the plant undergoes photosynthesis, it will produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide, leading to changes in the gas concentrations. By measuring these changes, you can determine the rate of photosynthesis occurring.

What gas is giving off by a plant in sunlight?

Plants give off oxygen gas during photosynthesis in the presence of sunlight. This process involves converting carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

What helps a plant use energy to make food?

The process of photosynthesis is how a plant uses energy to make food. Photosynthesis is also responsible for the way plants give off oxygen into the air.

What does plant gives out?

Plant cells can give off oxygen when photosynthesis occurs. They give out carbon dioxide when they respire when there is no light available.