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Incandescent lamps are filled with a mixture of argon- 93 % and nitrogen-7 %.

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Q: Which gas in the periodic table should be use for a filament lamp?
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Does a lamp with a thick filament draw more current or less current than a lamp with a thin filament?

A lamp with a thick filament will draw more current. What restricts the current flow in the filament is the resistance of the filament which increases as the temperature of the filament increases. A thin filament requires less energy to get heated up that a thick one so less current to achieve threshold resistance. Also a thick filament provides a broader path for current so there is less resistance per increase in degree centigrade. For these two (closely related but distinct) reasons it will require more current for the filament to get heated up to threshold resistance.

Which is more powerful a torch bulb or a mains filament lamp?

Mains filament

What part of the lamp converts electricity to light?

The light bulb or LED component of the lamp converts electricity into light through the process of electricity flowing through a filament or semiconductor material, which then emits photons, creating light.

What does a filament lamp do in a circuit?

A filament lamp produces light by converting electrical energy into heat and then light. It acts as a resistive load in the circuit, meaning it resists the flow of current and causes the filament to glow and produce light.

How do you Use filament in a sentence?

(Filament is a thread or thin wire.)Is the lamp unplugged or is the filament broken in the bulb?A silkworm's cocoon is made from a thin filament which can be twisted into thread.

What fuse should you use in a table lamp?

1amp 3 max depends on what rating lamp it is (or bulb).

Why Doesn't a lamp light up if the filament inside is broken?

If the filament inside a lamp is broken, it cannot conduct electricity properly, which is essential for generating light. The broken filament creates a gap in the circuit, preventing the flow of electricity needed to produce light. As a result, the lamp will not light up.

Why is the filament inside an electric lamp made very fine?

The filament in an electric lamp is made very fine to increase its resistance, which allows it to heat up quickly and glow brightly when electricity flows through it. Additionally, a fine filament helps to prolong the lifespan of the lamp by reducing the evaporation of filament material.

Is resistance in the filament of a lamp essential or not?

Yes, the resistance of the filament of a light bulb is what generates enough heat to make the filament glow and produce light.

What are the parts of a lamp?

fifi eats the filament and turns it into a bernard

What type of spectrum is produced by a filament lamp?

continuous emission

Does a lamp with a thick filament draw more or less current than a lamp with a thin filament?

A lamp with a thick filament will draw more current. What restricts the current flow in the filament is the resistance of the filament which increases as the temperature of the filament increases. A thin filament requires less energy to get heated up that a thick one so less current to achieve threshold resistance. Also a thick filament provides a broader path for current so there is less resistance per increase in degree centigrade. For these two (closely related but distinct) reasons it will require more current for the filament to get heated up to threshold resistance.