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The molecular formula shows the numbers and types of atoms in a molecule, but not how they are bonded. The structural formula shows how the atoms are bonded.

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The molecular formula shows the numbers and types of atoms in a molecule but does not show the bonding arrangement between the atoms. It gives the simplest whole-number ratio of the different types of atoms in a compound.

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Q: Which formula shows the numbers and types of atoms in a molecule but not the bond?
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What is a chemical formula that shows the numbers and kinds of atoms in a molecule but is not the arrangement of the atoms?

A chemical formula provides information about the types and numbers of atoms in a molecule, but it does not reveal the spatial arrangement of those atoms in the molecule. It is a concise way to represent the composition of a substance using chemical symbols and numerical subscripts.

Which formula shows the number and types of atoms in a molecule but not the bonds?

The molecular formula shows the number and types of atoms in a molecule without specifying the bonds between the atoms. It provides the ratio of different types of atoms present in a compound.

A formula that shows only the types and numbers of atoms combined in a single molecule is called?

An empirical formula.

What is a molecule represented by?

A molecule is represented by a group of atoms bonded together to form a chemical structure. This representation can vary depending on the method used: for example, a molecular formula shows the types and numbers of atoms in the molecule, while a structural formula shows the arrangement of atoms and bonds.

What formula shows the location of the atoms to another in a molecule an shows the number and location of bonds?

That is a structural formula. For example, the chemical formula for water is H2O and its structural formula is H-O-H, which shows how the atoms are arranged in the molecule.

The formula shows how atoms are arranged within a molecule or ion?

A structural formula

What shows the types and numbers of atmos joined in a single molecule of a molecular compound?

The chemical formula of a molecular compound provides information about the types and numbers of atoms that are joined in a single molecule. Each element in the formula represents the type of atom present, and the subscript numbers next to them indicate the number of atoms bonded together in a single molecule. Additionally, the way atoms are arranged within the molecule can also provide clues about their connectivity.

What gives you the most information a molecular or a structural formula?

A structural formula gives more information because it shows not only the types and numbers of atoms in a molecule, but also how they are connected to each other. Molecular formulas only provide the types and numbers of atoms in a molecule.

What type of formula is based on the actual number of atoms that comprise a molecule of that compound?

The empirical formula shows the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a compound, while the molecular formula gives the actual number of atoms in a molecule.

What formula represents a substance that contains covalent bonds?

A molecular formula represents a substance that contains covalent bonds. This formula shows the types and numbers of atoms present in a molecule, such as H2O for water, which consists of covalent bonds between hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

Does a chemical formula only indicate kinds of atoms that are present in a molecule?

No, the chemical formula shows both the kinds of atom in a molecule and the number of each type of atom. For example, the formula H2O shows that there are 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom in a water molecule.

Is a formula also an equation?

A formula is a mathematical relationship between quantities, often representing a rule or pattern. An equation, on the other hand, is a statement that two expressions are equal. While a formula can be represented as an equation, not all equations are formulas.