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Q: Which event came first- plum pudding modelgold foil experiment cathode ray tube exp discovery of nucleus discovery of electrons?
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What did JJ Thompson's Cathode ray experiment suggest?

J.J. Thomson's cathode ray experiment suggested the existence of negatively charged particles, later known as electrons. By studying the behavior of cathode rays in a vacuum tube, Thomson determined that these particles were much smaller than atoms and had a negative charge. This discovery led to the development of the plum pudding model of the atom.

How did thompsons cathode ray experiment change the atomic model of the day?

Thompson's cathode ray experiment led to the discovery of the electron, which was a fundamental particle in the atom. This challenged the earlier model of the atom as a solid, indivisible sphere by proposing a structure of a positively charged sphere with negatively charged electrons embedded within it. Thompson's model contributed to the development of the modern atomic model.

How did JJ Thompson demonstrate the existence of the electron?

JJ Thomson demonstrated the existence of the electron through his cathode ray tube experiment. By observing the behavior of cathode rays in an evacuated tube, he was able to show that these rays were composed of negatively charged particles (electrons) that were much smaller than an atom. This discovery led to the development of the plum pudding model of the atom.

Who performed the cathode ray experiment which led to the discovery of the electron?

Crookes observed that the cathodic rays are deflected by a magnetic field and concluded that this beam is negatively charged. Thomson established that the beam is composed from a new type of particles called by Fitzgerald electrons. Thompson also believed that electrons float in a "pudding" of positive charges.

He conducted the cathode-ray tube experiment?

J.J Thomson conducted the cathode-ray tube experiment in 1911.

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Which scientists performed the cathode Ray experiment leading to the discovery of electrons?

Dalton performed the cathode ray experiment.

Which scientist performed the cathode ray experiment leading to the discovery of electrons?

J.J. Thomson, a British physicist, performed the cathode ray experiment in the late 19th century. Through this experiment, he discovered electrons and determined their charge-to-mass ratio.

Why was the cathode ray experiment important?

The cathode ray experiment helped discover electrons

What was the name of jj equipment (experiment) he did?

The experiment that J.J. Thomson conducted was called the Cathode Ray Tube experiment, also known as the Plum Pudding Model experiment, which ultimately led to the discovery of the electron in 1897.

What experiment do Thomson do?

He hit plates with light

Who performed an experiment with cathode ray tubes?

J. J. ThomsonJ. J. Thomson did the cathode ray experiment where he discovered the existence of electrons.

Thomson made his discovery about the atom during an experiment using?

Cathode Rays

What is Thompson's cathode ray?

Thompson's cathode ray refers to the experiment conducted by J.J. Thomson in the late 19th century where he discovered the existence of electrons. By observing the behavior of cathode rays in a vacuum tube, Thomson was able to determine the charge-to-mass ratio of the electron. This experiment was critical in shaping our understanding of atomic structure and the existence of subatomic particles.

What did JJ Thomson's cathode-ray tube experiment show?

Thompson observed that these rays are negatively electrically charged.

Who discovered the cathode ray experiment?

The cathode ray experiment was discovered by British physicist J.J. Thomson in 1897. Through this experiment, he was able to demonstrate the existence of negatively charged particles (electrons) and their properties.

What did j.j Thomson experiment with?

J.J. Thomson experimented with cathode rays in a vacuum tube, which led to the discovery of the electron in 1897. By measuring the charge-to-mass ratio of electrons, he determined that they were a fundamental particle and were present in all atoms.

What did JJ Thomson measure?

J.J. Thomson measured the charge-to-mass ratio of electrons using cathode rays in a vacuum tube. This experiment led to the discovery of the electron and contributed to the development of the electron cloud model of the atom.