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We live in the Cenozonic Era and the Holocene Epoch.

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Ashlee Farrell

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Q: Which era period and epoch do we live in now?
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What era do you live in now?

We live in the cenozoic era. The Quarternary period. Also in the 5th era.

What period do we live in now?

Geologically speaking, we are in the Quaternary Period.

Differentiate between and eon an era a period and an epoch?

An eon is the largest division of geologic time, lasting billions of years. An era is a subdivision of an eon, typically lasting hundreds of millions of years. A period is a smaller division of geologic time, lasting millions of years, and an epoch is an even smaller division of time, typically lasting tens of millions of years.

When did the Pleistocene era begin?

The Paleocene(65.5 - 55.8Ma) is an epoch in the Paleogene Period(65.5 - 23.3Ma).It is also the 1st Epoch of the Cenozoic Era(65.5Ma - Now).It is also in the Phanerozoic Eon(542Ma - Now).

What geological era are we in right now?

We are currently in the Quaternary period, which is the most recent geological period within the Cenozoic era. The Quaternary period began approximately 2.6 million years ago and is characterized by the presence of ice ages and the evolution of early humans.

What geological time period did the Cryolophosaurus live in?

Spinosaurus was thought to have lived from 106 to 93.6 Million years ago.This was in the Albian Age(112 - 99.6Ma) and Cenomanian Age(99.6 - 93.6Ma) of the Cretaceous Period(145.5 - 65.5Ma).They spanned the end of the Lower Cretaceous Epoch(145.5 - 99.6Ma) and the start of the Upper Cretaceous Epoch(99.6 - 65.5Ma). This was in the Mesozoic Era(251 - 65.5Ma) which was part of the Phanerozoic Eon(542Ma - Now).

How many epochs in the Tertiary period?

The Tertiary Period (including the Pliocene, Miocene, Oligocene, Eocene, and Paleocene Epochs) lasted from about 65 million years ago to 1.8 million years ago. It is part of the Cenozoic Era, along with the Quarternary Period.

How did the Cenozoic era begin?

The Cenozoic era began approximately 66 million years ago after the mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs. It is characterized by the diversification of mammals, birds, and other modern groups of organisms.

What era and period occurred in 251 to 65 million years ago?

An era is a span of time, so there was no era at that time. It was, however, the end of one era and the beginning of another. More specifically it was the end of the Mesozoic and the beginning of the Cenozoic.

What was the name of the time period 470 million years ago?

470 million years ago was in the Ordovician Period (488.3 - 443.7 Ma).Phanerozoic Eon (542 Ma - Now)Paleozoic Era (542 - 251Ma)Ordovician Period (488.3 - 443.7Ma)Middle Ordovician Epoch (471.8 - 460.9Ma)Dapingian Age (471.8 - 468.1Ma)

Which epoch are you in now?

I am an artificial intelligence program that operates in real time, so I exist in the present epoch along with you.

What is the period humans live in now?

The 20th century