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Q: Which epidemal layer produces a large amount of keratin?
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The atomic change that produces the largest amount of energy is a nuclear atomic change. This is when an atom is hit with another elementary particles and releases a large amount of energy.

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Texas produces the greatest amount of helium for any US state, because one large gas field in Texas happens to have natural gas with a relatively large concentration of helium.

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Bulgaria produces a large amount of copper, coal, zinc and bismuth.

Large quantities of keratin are found in the epidermal layer called the?

The epidermal layer that contains a large quantity of keratin is known as the stratum corneum. This layer is the outermost layer of the epidermis and is responsible for providing protection and waterproofing to the skin.

The stratum corneum contains large amounts of?

Keratinocytes of the stratum corneum contain large amounts of keratin protein.

What happens when sulforic acid dissolve in water?

It produces a very large amount of heat, plus diluted sulfuric acid.

What substance is involved in strengthening hair?

The protein that allows for hair strength is also the same protein that helps to strengthen your fingernails. The protein is called keratin. Im not sure which particular products would have large amounts of keratin in them, but look around for keratin.

What produces the large amount of energy released by the nuclear reaction?

The large amount of energy released by a nuclear reaction comes from the conversion of mass into energy, as described by Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2. This means that a small amount of mass is converted into a large amount of energy during nuclear reactions.

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An angular force would produce a large torque like angular momentum of a spinning wheel.