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Q: Which elevation and bedrock structure are generally found in the catskills?
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What elevation and bedrock structure are generally found in in the catskills?

The Catskill Mountains range in elevation from approximately 1,000 to 4,180 feet. The bedrock structure in the Catskills is predominantly made up of sedimentary rocks such as sandstone, shale, and limestone, which were formed over millions of years. These rocks contribute to the rugged terrain and scenic beauty of the region.

Which geologic era was the majority of bedrock in the Catskills formed?

The majority of bedrock in the Catskills was formed during the Devonian Period, which is part of the Paleozoic Era. This bedrock consists of sedimentary rocks like sandstones and shales, as well as igneous rocks like granites formed through tectonic and volcanic processes during this time.

What is the bedrock type and age in areas of high elevation?

In areas of high elevation, the bedrock type is often metamorphic or igneous due to the intense pressure and heat associated with mountain-building processes. The age of bedrock in high elevation areas can vary widely, but it is typically older due to the long history of geologic activity that has shaped these landscapes.

In New York State the surface bedrock of the Catskills consists mainly of?

Limestones, shales, sandstones, and conglomerates

What physical characteristics of the bedrock are responsible for the oldest bedrock remaining at the highest elevation?

because bedrock is nice

What New York state landscape region is mostly composed of horizontal sedimentary bedrock at high elevations?

I believe its the Catskills.

Why are cobbles and boulders composed of Precambrian gneiss commonly found on top of the surface bedrock in the Catskills?

Cobbles and boulders composed of Precambrian gneiss are commonly found on the top of the surface bedrock in the Catskills because they were deposited there by glacial action during the last Ice Age. Glaciers transported these rocks from their original bedrock source areas and left them scattered across the region as they melted. The resistant nature of gneiss allows these rocks to remain on the surface long after the glaciers have retreated.

What physical characteristics of the bedrock are responsible for the oldest remaining at the highest elevation?

because bedrock is nice

What type of landscape region is the catskills mountain?

The Catskill Mountains are part of the Appalachian Mountain range in the eastern United States. The landscape in the Catskills is characterized by forested mountains, deep valleys, and winding rivers, making it a popular destination for outdoor recreation such as hiking, fishing, and skiing.

What kinds of layers does sedimentary rock generally form?


The boundaries between landscape regions are usually indicated by sharp changes in?

The boundaries between landscape regions are usually indicated by sharp changes in topography, vegetation, climate, or geology. These changes can be abrupt and clearly distinguish one region from another.

What physical characteristics of the bedrock is responsible for the oldest rock remaining at the highest elevation?

the minerals its contains and their resistance to weathering