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Q: Which element would release the most energy while adding an electron to a neutral atom in the gas phase?
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What is the meaning of a negative value for the electron affinity of an atom?

A negative value for the electron affinity of an atom means that energy is released when an electron is added to the atom to form a negative ion. This indicates that the atom has a higher affinity for electrons and is more likely to gain an electron to achieve a stable electron configuration.

Why electron affinity of beryllium is zero?

Electronic configuration of beryllium: 1s2.2s2.

What if you add one electron to the element having 9 protons and 10 neutrons?

By adding one electron to an element with 9 protons and 10 neutrons, you would create a negatively charged ion. The electron would occupy an orbital in the electron cloud, resulting in the element being one electron short of achieving a stable electron configuration. This ion would have a charge of -1 due to the extra electron.

What is energy released on adding an electron to an isolated gas phase atom?

The energy released on adding an electron to an isolated gas phase atom is called electron affinity. It represents the willingness of an atom to accept an additional electron. The process can release energy if the atom's electron affinity is negative, indicating that the atom is stable after gaining an electron.

The bond order of a homonuclear diatomic molecule can be decreased by .?

You can decrease the bond order of a molecule like F2 or B2 by adding 1 electron to the neutral molecule.

Which element has the distinguishing electron of 3s1?

The full electron configuration in question is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1. Adding up those electrons gives us a total of 13. Referencing a periodic table, we see that the atom with 13 electrons, and thus 13 protons to keep it neutral, is aluminum.

How many electrons does an element have if it has 17 protons and 18 neutrons?

If an element has 17 protons, it will also have 17 electrons since atoms are electrically neutral. Adding the number of neutrons (18) to the number of protons (17) gives us the mass number of the element, which in this case would be 35.

The structure of each successive element is found by adding one proton to the atom's nucleus and one electron to the lowest-energy orbital availble?

Aufbau Principle

An atom can be changed into an ion by adding or removing?

Adding or removing electrons. Adding an electron will create a negatively charged ion (anion), while removing an electron will create a positively charged ion (cation).

What is the name of the electron configuration of Kr5s24d8?

The electron configuration of Kr is [Ar]4s1 3d10, so adding 5 more electrons would give Kr5s24d8.

Why does chlorine have more electron affinity than fluorine although it is below fluorine in periodic table?

Chlorine has more electron affinity than fluorine because of its larger size, which allows for better electron-electron repulsion. This means that when an electron is added to a chlorine atom, it is not as strongly attracted as it would be in a smaller fluorine atom. This results in a higher electron affinity for chlorine.

Which has lower electron affinity between oxygen and fluorine?

Fluorine has a lower electron affinity than oxygen. This is because fluorine already has a full outer shell of electrons and adding another electron would create repulsion due to electron-electron interactions. Oxygen, on the other hand, has space in its outer shell to accept an additional electron more easily.