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Sodium and Potassium, most comonly exhibit +1

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Silver (Ag) commonly exhibits an oxidation state of +1 in compounds.

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Q: Which element have just one common oxidation state in compound?
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How is an unknown oxidation state of an element within a compound determined?

It is determined from known oxidation states of other elements.

What is the element Mercury major oxidation state?

Mercury's most common oxidation state is +2

What is the oxidation number of each element in the compound water?

The hydrogen atoms are each in the 1+ oxidation state. The oxygen is in it's 2- oxidation state.

How is an unknown oxidation state of an element within a compound?

It is determined from known oxidation states of other elements.

What is the oxidation state of an element?

In chemistry, the oxidation state is a number assigned to an element as an indicator of the degree of oxidation of an atom in a chemical compound."The charge an element would have if it were an ion "Oxidation state is the same as the oxidation number. It is an indicator of the degree of oxidation of an atom in a chemical compound.

How is an unknown oxidation state of an element within a compoud determined?

In a compound the sum of oxidation states of the elements contained is zero.E1 + E2 + ... = 0If you know the oxidation states of the elements E1... you can calculate the oxidation state of the element E2.

What is the oxidation of each ion in the compound MgBr2?

In the compound MgBr2, magnesium (Mg) has an oxidation state of +2 and bromine (Br) has an oxidation state of -1. This is because the overall charge of the compound is neutral, so the sum of the oxidation states of each element must equal zero.

How do you get the oxidation number of an element?

To determine the oxidation number of an element, consider its usual oxidation state based on its position in the periodic table and the known oxidation states of other elements in the compound. In a neutral compound, the sum of the oxidation numbers must equal zero, and in an ion, the sum must equal the charge of the ion. Use these rules to assign the oxidation number of the element.

Which element has its most common oxidation state negative 2?


What does an oxidation number represent?

An oxidation number represents the apparent charge of an atom in a compound or ion. It is used to track the movement of electrons in chemical reactions and helps determine the oxidation state of an element in a compound.

What is a maximum oxidation number?

The maximum oxidation number is the highest possible oxidation state that an element can exhibit in a chemical compound. It is typically reached when the element gains or loses electrons to achieve a stable configuration.

What is the oxidation state of each element in FeBr3?

In FeBr3, iron (Fe) has an oxidation state of +3 and bromine (Br) has an oxidation state of -1. Each bromine atom contributes -1 oxidation state, and since there are three bromine atoms, the total is -3, balancing the +3 oxidation state of iron for the compound to be neutral.