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A bunch of elements can have 18 neutrons because of isotopes in the world

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chlorine has 18 neutrons

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Q: Which element from the periodic table has 18 neutrons?
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35, 16, and another number. S=Sulfur off the periodic table.

What are the classification of element in a periodic table?

periodic table is classified into groups and periods.There are 18 groups and 7 periods in periodic table.

Which element on the periodic table has 18 protons?


How many electrons and netrons does argon have?

This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a periodic table.

Which of the elements on perdiotic table has 17 protons and 18 neutrons?

The element with 17 protons and 18 neutrons is chlorine, which has the atomic number 17. Its symbol is Cl, and it is located in group 17 (halogens) of the periodic table.

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Argon belongs to the noble gas group (Group 18) on the periodic table.

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Helium is located in group 18, also known as the noble gases group, on the periodic table.

What is the 18 element in the periodic table?

Argon is the 18th element in the periodic table. It is a noble gas with the atomic number 18 and symbol Ar.