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2w ago

The layer that fits this description is the lithosphere. The lithosphere is comprised of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust, and it is broken into tectonic plates that move on the Earth's surface.

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Q: Which earth layer does the following describe this layer along with the crust forms the solid tectonic plates?
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Earthquakes occur most often along the boundaries of tectonic plates.

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Along with their attached rigid uppermost mantle, they are referred to as tectonic plates.

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When tectonic plates slip, it means that they slide past each other along a fault line. This movement can result in earthquakes as the stress accumulated along the fault is released suddenly.

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Bali is located on two tectonic plates, the Australian Plate and the Eurasian Plate. These plates interact along the Sunda Megathrust, which can result in seismic activity in the region.

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The Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010 involved the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates in Iceland. The volcano is located along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where these two plates are diverging.

Can tectonic plates split in half?

Tectonic plates can split apart at their boundaries, known as divergent boundaries, where new crust is formed. However, tectonic plates do not split in half as a whole; instead, they interact along their edges at various types of plate boundaries.

What happens along divergent boundaries?

along divergent boundaries tectonic plates move apart & rifts are created