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A: Nobody should give you an answer for the simple fact there is no mention of current requirement. Let me try this minimum need is a reverse breakdown voltage of 648.60 volts. for 1 amp try 1n4007.

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7mo ago

A full-wave bridge rectifier diode circuit is typically used to convert 230V AC to 230V DC. This circuit utilizes four diodes arranged in a bridge configuration to efficiently convert the alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) by rectifying both the positive and negative halves of the AC wave.

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Q: Which diode is used to convert 230v ac to 230v dc?
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Can a diode be used as rectifier diode?

yes, diode can be used as rectifier diode to convert ac to dc

What happens when you connect 230V ac supply directly to a diode?

You get a violent explosion as the diode vaporizes.

What is N4001 diode?

1.0A RECTIFIER diode used to convert ac power to dc power

Can a Diode be used on a battery charger?

Yes, a diode can be used in a battery charger to prevent reverse current flow from the battery to the charger when it's disconnected. This protects the charger from potential damage.

How diode convert pure ac to pure dc?

You can't convert ac to pure dc with diode only. The easiest way to convert ac to dc by with diode is by using rectification, it consist of at least 2 diodes (half wave rectifier) and (capacitor is to "smoother" the wave).

What type of diode is used to convert alternating current into direct current?

The type of diode used to convert alternating current in to direct current is the power diode.

How do you conyert AC to DC?

You rectify AC voltage through a diode bridge to convert it to DC.

What is the function of a rectifier diode?

A rectifier can convert AC to pulsating DC.

What is the working of a diode?

It is an electronic's device which allow the passes of current in unidirection or only dc.It is used to convert ac to dc.

Purpose of bridge diode in a power supply?

Bridge diodes are generally used in a bridge rectifier to convert AC into DC.

What property of a diode enables it to convert ac to dc?

A diode allows electrons to pass only in one direction. During the negative half cycle of an alternating current the diode will not allow electron current to pass. It is like a one way valve. This property of diode enables it to convert AC into pulsated DC

Are diodes only used in a dc circuit?

There are lots of diodes - a "diode" is simply a device that has two electrical connections.If you refer specifically to the rectifying diode, it is used to convert AC current to DC current - so, it is used in a circuit that has BOTH AC and DC.