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Q: Which device contains coils of wire that are stationary and rotating magnets that are rotated by turbines?
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What relies on magnets for movement?

Electric motors rely on magnets for movement. They have both stationary magnets and rotating electromagnets that interact to produce motion. Additionally, maglev trains use magnets to levitate above the tracks and move without friction.

What is a stator magnet?

A stator magnet is a permanent magnet located on the stationary part of an electric motor or generator. It produces a magnetic field that interacts with the rotating part (rotor) to generate mechanical motion or electrical power. Stator magnets play a crucial role in converting electrical energy into mechanical or vice versa in various applications.

Can Magnets cause centrifugal force?

Magnets cannot directly cause centrifugal force. Centrifugal force is an outward force experienced in a rotating reference frame, while magnets produce magnetic force due to the alignment of magnetic moments within the material. These are two different phenomena.

How does water make electricity?

Water can make electricity through hydropower, where the kinetic energy of flowing water turns turbines connected to generators. When the turbines spin, they generate electricity by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. This process relies on the movement of water to produce renewable electricity.

Why does steel stick to magnets but alomanem doesn't?

Steel contains iron, which is ferromagnetic and can be magnetized. Aluminum, on the other hand, is not ferromagnetic but paramagnetic, so it is not attracted to magnets. This difference in magnetic properties explains why steel sticks to magnets but aluminum does not.

Related questions

What relies on magnets for movement?

Electric motors rely on magnets for movement. They have both stationary magnets and rotating electromagnets that interact to produce motion. Additionally, maglev trains use magnets to levitate above the tracks and move without friction.

Could you make a generator by mounting permanent magnets on a rotating shaft and keeping the coil stationary?

Yes, only relative motion between the coil and the magnetic field is important.

Can you make a generator by mounting permanent magnets on a rotating shaft?


Why is excitation necessary for synchronous generators?

generators work by rotating a magnetic field thru a wire shell or by rotating wire thru a stationary magnetic field (think of a small DC motor with magnets around the shell) since large generators dont have magnets in them (its not very efficent)you have to send a flowing current thru the rotating coils to produce the magnetic field. this induces current in the stator and you have a generator..of course the same effect is produced by inducing a current in the stator and pulling the output from the rotor.

What are wind towers and what is its use?

Wind towers uses the power of the wind to propel the blades of the turbines. The turbines cause the rotation of magnets, which creates energies.

What are large wheels that rotate the magnets of a generator when pushed by steam wind or water?

Those are called turbines. Turbines are used in generators to convert the kinetic energy from steam, wind, or water into mechanical energy that rotates the magnets to generate electricity.

What part of the ac generator produces the rotating magnetic field?

The stator and the magnets.

How do you generate electricity using magnets to power Christmas lights?

To generate electricity using magnets to power Christmas lights, you can use a generator that converts mechanical energy (rotation of the magnets) into electrical energy. The generator consists of coils of wire that rotate within a magnetic field created by permanent magnets. As the coils rotate, they induce an electric current that can power the Christmas lights.

What is the name of the iron magnets in the field circuit of a motor?

The stator is the stationary part of a rotor system.

Where can someone recycle ceramic magnets?

Industrial ceramic magnets otherwise known as large rotating drum magnets, are used by the metal scrap and recycling industries. The magnets are used to separate and process metals. If you are looking to recycle one of these magnets you can find a company that uses them for recycling.

How does a nail attract with magnets?

it contains iron

Do magnets stick to wrought iron?

Yes, magnets can stick to wrought iron because it contains a small amount of ferrous material that is attracted to magnets. However, wrought iron is not as magnetic as steel, which contains a higher percentage of iron.