The greatest number of thunderstorms in the world occur in Lake Victoria, Uganda, Africa. In the United States, the greatest number of thunderstorms are seen in Lakeland, Florida.
Both are different geographical bodies: Mexico is a country while Africa is a whole continent (e.g. much bigger). The biggest country in the world is Russia, while the biggest continent is Asia.
No, Indonesia is not the biggest country in the world by land area. Russia holds the title as the largest country in the world. Indonesia is the largest country in terms of the number of islands it comprises.
Brazil has the greatest freshwater resources in the world as a result of the Amazon River flowing through the country. Russia, Canada, and the United States also have great reserves of fresh water.
If you list all the countries of the world in order by land area, from the largest to the smallest, the area rank is the number on the list for that particular country. The largest country is #1, the next largest is #2, and so on.
The United States has the greatest number of privately owned automobiles in the world.
Strangely, for one of the greatest universities in the world, yes...
America is world greatest terrorist country
The greatest country in the world
Mandarin Chinese is the language with the greatest number of native speakers in the world.
greatest country in the world.
mostly Taiwan and the most air pollution is china
Australia is not the world's greatest country! we are equal