The country credited with first using coordinates to survey land is ancient Egypt, specifically during the Old Kingdom period around 2700 BC. The Egyptians used a system of meridians and parallels based on the stars to establish boundaries and measure land for taxation and other administrative purposes.
The coordinates 13 degrees north latitude and 144 degrees east longitude correspond to a location in the Pacific Ocean, southeast of the Mariana Islands and north of Papua New Guinea. There is no specific country located at these exact coordinates.
The seventh largest country in the world is India. Its coordinates are approximately 20.5937° N latitude and 78.9629° E longitude. India is located in South Asia and is known for its diverse culture, rich history, and large population.
None. Your coordinates are in the middle of the North Pacific. Nearest land mass is Japan, some 1000km to the west
That location falls within the United States, specifically in the state of Hawaii.
The word 'survey' is both a noun (survey, surveys) and a verb (survey, surveys, surveying, surveyed).The noun 'survey' is a word for the gathering of data or opinions for the purpose of compiling statistics; an examination of an area of land in order to make a map of it; a general examination of a subject or situation.The noun forms of the verb to survey are surveyor and the gerund, surveying.
Abraham Lincoln
The starting point for a land survey in a country is typically a designated benchmark or reference point, often established by the national mapping agency. This benchmark serves as the origin for all subsequent survey measurements and helps ensure consistency and accuracy in mapping data.
To find your land survey, you can contact the surveyor who conducted the survey or check with your local government's land records office. They should have a copy of the survey on file that you can access.
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You can obtain a copy of your land survey from the county assessor's office or the surveyor who conducted the survey.
Yes, you can find your land survey by contacting the surveyor who conducted the survey or checking with your local government's land records office.
To obtain a land survey, you can hire a licensed surveyor who will measure and map the boundaries of your property. This survey will provide you with accurate information about the size and shape of your land.
England is a country that shares land borders with Scotland and Wales. The latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates of this country are 51o30'N, 0o7'W.
You can find your land survey at the local county assessor's office or through a licensed surveyor who may have conducted the survey for your property.