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The six countries through which the meridian

of 30° east longitude passes are . . .

  1. South Africa
  2. Zimbabwe
  3. Zambia
  4. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  5. Tanzania
  6. Burundi
  7. Rwanda
  8. Uganda
  9. Sudan
  10. Egypt
  11. Turkey
  12. Ukraine
  13. Moldova
  14. Belarus
  15. Russia
  16. Finland
  17. Norway
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10y ago
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14y ago

Each of the following has territory at 30° east longitude.

Please select any six that appeal to you.


Jan Mayen


Russian Federation




Republic of Moldova




Democratic Republic of the Congo




United Republic of Tanzania



South Africa


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13y ago

-- Svalbard and Jan Mayen

-- Norway

-- Denmark

-- Germany

-- Austria

-- Switzerland

-- Italy

-- Tunisia

-- Libya

-- Algeria

-- Niger

-- Nigeria

-- Cameroon

-- Equatorial Guinea

-- Gabon

-- (Antarctica)

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1w ago

82.5 degrees east longitude passes through many countries, including India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan.

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12y ago

-- Russia

-- Kazakhstan

-- China

-- Nepal

-- India

-- (Antarctica -- not a country)

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14y ago


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Q: Which countries does 82.5 degree east longitude passes?
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